Chapter 01: Son of the Light

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Lu Bu❌ x  Thor✅
Adão ❌x  Zeus ✅
Sasaki Kojiro ✅x  Poseidon❌
Jack The Ripper✅x Hercules ❌
Raiden Tameemo❌x Shiva✅
Buda✅x Zerofuku
Qin Shin Huang✅ x Hades❌

Humans 4 x 4 gods


Chapter 1 : Son of the light

- ▪ After the seventh round of Ragnarok, Qin Shin Huang the Emperor of China emerged victorious in the fight against Hades the Emperor of the Underworld.
  All the gods are in rage after the death of Hades, for being considered the most respected among the gods of Olympus and the eldest of his brothers: Zeus, Poseidon and Adamas.
  While humanity celebrates Qin's victory, a shadowy figure is seen climbing the stairs that lead to the box in the arena where the gods are, this figure that is revealed when leaving the dark corridor.
It is the lord of the flies Beelzebub who, upon entering the room, causes great pressure to all gods and spectators in the nearby arena, Zeus rises from his throne and walks to the cursed being and asks:

- Zeus : What is Baal doing here? come to pay your condolences on the death of Hades?
  I learned that both were ruling Hellheim for the last 500 years.
- Beelzebu : I want you to let everyone know that in the next round I'm going to fight.

Shortly after finishing his speech, representatives of the underworld stand up and question why Beel is interested in the fight, which answers:

- Beelzebu : As much as I wanted to come here and look for one more way to end my suffering, right now what I don't lack in my mind is hatred for humanity.

Beel leaves the room leaving everyone silent and curious about his appearance in the next fight, everyone starts talking about his past.

Returning to the side of humanity, commemorations are made to the emperor of China Qin, but the valkyrie Brunhilde can be seen in the observation tower of valhalla reading a letter sent by Hermes where he notified that the next participant of the eighth round would be Beelzebub.
  Brunhilde found herself in shock at such a mention of the lord of the underworld and headed to start preparations for the next battle, looking at the list of participants of humanity only one name can come to the head of the valkyrie, the only human capable of being able to face the the very incarnation of evil, and he would be the first "magician of humanity".

  Brunhilde walks to the door of this participant's room and is faced with a pile of papers and notes with various mathematical formulas, when entering the room she finds Thomas Edison along with Albert Estein, Marie Curie and several other thinkers.
  But Brunhilde claims she is looking for none of them but just one man, a man who is currently writing on her blackboard with chalk feeding her mechanized pigeons.
  And this man would be Nicola Tesla the father of electricity.

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