Chapter 2: A Prince's Love (A LGBT NSFW Extension)

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Relaxing upon the purple grass both Krotos and Ralsei look up into the dark sky seeing only the colour black. The crimson forest illuminates, yet the leaves stand still as the whole world is silent. With little to do Krotos puts his hands behind the back of his head closing his eyes to get some rest.

He sighs which gets Ralsei's attention as he leans on the grass facing Krotos' direction. He smiles looking at his peaceful expression as Krotos indirectly tells Ralsei that he is comfortable being around him. Ralsei secretly appreciated that Krotos has warmed up to him, and despite what the prophecy foretold, he is happy that Krotos is around.

Ralsei looks at his smooth grey skin as he is being drawn in to come closer. Looking at his dark hair and formal attire, Ralsei wonders what Krotos truly desired. What is it Companionship? Love...? Or peace of mind? Despite knowing little of his true personality Ralsei hopes that Krotos will find true happiness.

Although he does not know what Krotos desired, Ralsei knows what he wants for both him and Susie. To become great friends and face adversity together no matter what obstacle they encounter. That is his wish.

Even though both Krotos and Susie are not on the same page, at least they were able to work together, despite it being short. Gently breathing Krotos wanted to rest from all the chaos that had happened recently, hoping that his anger would not overrule his judgement. For now, he could at least think and rest before whatever comes next.

Looking at Krotos, Ralsei wanted to become a better friend by spending quality time together. Without much thought Ralsei gets closer to Krotos putting an arm around his waist while resting his head upon Krotos' shoulder. Ralsei's intention is to be loving and caring towards Krotos believing it will deepen their friendship.

With a sudden surprise Krotos grabs both of Ralsei's wrists swinging around as he is on top of Ralsei. Shocked Ralsei looks at Krotos seeing his peaceful expression become serious as he looked down on him. Ralsei knew that he is pinned to the ground however, he is more concerned why Krotos has become so serious.

Ralsei says out loud "Krotos...?"

Without saying a word Krotos bends down getting closer to Ralsei's face. Embarrassed Ralsei can only look at him as Krotos opens his mouth while Ralsei has no clue on what he is doing. Krotos then gently bites Ralsei's hat returning his body just above Ralsei's waist. Twisting his head slightly he lets go of the hat dropping it to the side as Krotos looks back on Ralsei.

Krotos noticed his pink horns above his head and the more noticeable fur resembling someone who he knew before. There is no mistake about it now although Ralsei has black fur instead of white, the resemblance is uncanny. Krotos looks down analysing Ralsei's facial features looking at his feminine looks.

Ralsei asks "What's wrong...?"

Krotos questions him "Who are you really?"

Ralsei blurts out "What... I-"

Krotos interrupted "I said who are you really!? You know my name and Susie's although we only met today. You have the Dreemurr family crest in your little Kingdom! What's more you have an undeniable resemblance to the Dreemurr family as they are the only ones who are that type of Monster!

Which is why I ask again, who are you really!?"

Krotos wanted a proper answer knowing that Dancer is also related to or is his foe from before, yet he wanted to confirm it with Ralsei. Sighing Ralsei looks at Krotos directly making sure that he is serious on what he is about to say.

Ralsei stated "Krotos... I am this world's Prince, and it is my duty to save this world from darkness. I understand it might be frustrating for you, but you need to understand... I would never deceive you! I just want you and Susie to be friends, so that you can have a happy future. That's all I want."

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