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Stella's P.O.V-

I didn't know whether to laugh or to question why the hell this stranger was telling me I was getting engaged or how he said that I already was. So I stayed silent staring into his eyes that were cold and hostile, his body was relaxed against the seat as he stared at me, expecting an answer from me.

"What do you mean I am engaged" I said as I lifted my hand, "Do tell me because I have no ring on my finger and last time I checked I didn't have a boyfriend so please tell me who is my to be husband?" I said as I laughed out nervously.

"Do you mean Casper? Casper the fucken ghost? I'm engaged to a ghost?" I said as I couldn't stop talking. "Enlighten me!" I screamed as his words started to sink into my brain slowly. How dare he force me to leave my home and say I was lucky to be engaged.

His eyebrow raised as he held his famous smirk in place, he laughed as he watched me clearly amused. "Your getting married to my right hand man, Romeo" He said bluntly with no explanation.

"Oh and you think I am okay with this?" I hissed out angrily as the car came to a stop, he grabbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers as he shook his head. "Yeah" He said getting out of the car as I opened my side of the door before he could. "I don't even know your name what makes you think I will listen to what you say?" I scream as he rolls his eyes watching me.

"Can you shut up?" He said clearly annoyed as he stepped close to me. "Your voice.. it's annoying now shut up before I have to shut you up." He said as he turned on his heels and walked away from me leaving me there confused and angry.

"Oh no you have some explaining to do!" I said jogging up to him as his long legs covered a bigger distance compared to my smaller legs. "Hey stranger! I'm talking to you I don't even know your name" I said as I followed him into his mansion house and up the stairs as he continued to walk away from me.

My blood was boiling with anger as I struggled going up the steps, he continued down the hall and disappeared into these thick oak door. Stomping over to it I flung it open seeing a very annoyed sexy hunk sitting in his desk.

"Sit down!" he said as his eyes flickered with a dangerous glimmer, I quickly sat down watching him. "Do you know who I am?" He said in a cold tone. I shook my head as I waited for him to continue.

"I am Antonio De Luca Russo, I own all the Russo hotels, and estates" He said pausing waiting for me to react, once he said his name, I right then and there knew who he was. He is powerful, he is rich and most of all dangerous.

Everyone knew who he was, they knew he killed people they knew he was head of the mafia but know one had tried to take him down, not even the damn police. Why? He had bought them all, he has enough money to kill this city and know one would ever know because his money would shelter him. No one had dared to mess with him, but he did have a problem with the second strongest mafia leader, Jesus Reyes.

Yes he scared me, but just because he had a title to his name didn't mean I wasn't going to stand up for myself.

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