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Inspiration Song: Ephiphany by BTS

Characters Inspired by: JIN of BTS and RM of BTS


Performing has always been what I did. It was my everything, the stage was always my home. And that changed, the thing is, the definition of home will always change. The stage was my home until it wasn't.

" you need more time?" The host asks, I quickly shake my head.

"Could you just ask the question again please?" I ask while crossing my legs. The host nods. His hair was gelled back, he had a friendly smile, and was reading the question again.

"I'm guessing this question was based on your song 'comfort', the question was, what is your comfort place?" The host repeated himself, then he looked at the camera and the audience.

"Ahh, well I guess that changes a really depends, but in the song, I was referring more to someone than a place. I feel like it's important to have someone where I feel comfortable being me, you know, not in front of my fans or cameras, just me." The host nodded, it looked as if he was deep in thought, his brows knitted in concentration.

"That's really deep, wow! Do you mind telling me who it is?" He asked, a playful smile dancing on his face, causing my hands to sweat a bit. I wasn't planning to tell...what should I do...if I tell, he'll be mad, but it's not like my fans don't know already...

"It's actually my fiance." I finally said this earned a lot of reactions from the audience, making my heart's beat quicken.

"Oh yes! I've heard, Park Hayoon, I've seen him with his sister, I also see you model for his sister's clothing brand, Ukiyo?" more like forced by my almost sister in law, I wanted to say but I decided against it.

"I love that brand. The clothes are so comfortable, speaking of comfort. Anyway, you'll be heading back to New York after this right?" I nodded, not feeling in the mood to talk. I just want to be on the plane on my way to my Yoonie, but this is taking too long.

"You ready J?" My manager, Zaria asks, I nod as I take my seat. Goodbye London, it was fun performing but it's time for me to go Hayoon. The plane hummed due to the engines, everything was silent. The window was open on my side, I could see the moon, a thin crescent that reminded me of Hayoon when he smiled. His eyes would shine like the moon. It didn't take me long for sleep to take me over. Just wait a bit more Hayoon, I'm coming home.

"We're here J, I'm sure Hayoon is waiting for you so, you better get a move on!" Zaria woke me up. Her light pink dyed tips were brushing my face. My face breaks out into a smile as I get out. I was fully rested and I was just itching to hold Hayoon in my arms, to shower him with my love and kisses.

"Thanks, Zaria!" I quickly get out of the car and walk into the big apartment building. I rush to the elevators, my suitcase and travel backpack on me. My legs carry me to him automatically. To the door, into a tidy leaving space, a simple room decorated with flowers and pictures of us over the years.

"Hayoon! I'm home!" I shouted excitedly, looking for him. The living room seemed quiet, which was unusual, usually, there was music filling the quiet space...odd. Then into the bedroom. The living room was brightened by the sun shining through the big windows. Not in here...then the bathroom. I walk down the hall. The door was open slightly. I opened it fully and my heart dropped.

No. No. No. No. No. I dropped to the floor, shaking Hayoon. My eyes danced around the room, freezing at the empty yellow bottle in Hayoon's hand. The cap a few inches away. Frantically, trying to wake him up, but his eyes stayed closed. He looked so peaceful, but how can he be at peace, when I'm hurting? I run my hands through his dark curls. Hot angry tears splatter on his face. I hold him tight, as an ugly sound escapes my lips. I couldn't bear it anymore, I turned around and I grabbed my phone.

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