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Inspiration Song: Flower by Younha Ft. RM

Characters Inspired by:  N/A


Sometimes I feel it. The same cold breeze that used to be a constant before he came into my life. Maybe that feeling is a reminder, a token of where I have been and where I am now. At least that's how I like to think about it. It's much better than admitting that the cold feeling was loneliness and that I have been in there for so long, it was impossible for me to fully warm up again. Nonetheless, through the harsh winter, I have had warm moments, however short, that last an eternity; moments and now, someone that is my spring.


they say ignorance is bliss...

The first time I noticed the cold, I brushed it off. I continued to go about my day, reading and dancing at the age of 4. I remember, I was reading a short book about a family of dolphins, where the mothers spend every minute of their day and night with the calf; until the very last day that the calf is no longer a calf. I thought about that a long time. I never thought about my parents' absence and all of a sudden, I was thinking about it all the time.

"I want to be tucked in tonight by my mother and father." I had once said. My servants hesitated, their eyes searching each other for an answer.

"They'll be back soon, Rose." They tucked me in and left me in the dark.

Days went by and they still had not returned. Days bled into weeks and weeks into months. And finally, they came home. I was hoping we'd spend every moment together during their short break, but they only attended more meetings and parties.

My parents were nothing like the parents of dolphins, they weren't parents at all.

It was Autumn. The season when everything started to die.


I watched from afar, the other children playing. I was never allowed to play with them. Confined in my own suite. My white gloves were pristine, with ruffles at the hem. My hands pressed against the large window, as I stood in a luxurious dress. Too luxurious for an eight-year-old.

"Rose, it's time to do your hair." One of my maids singsonged as she entered the room. The maids and servants were more my family than my family ever was. "Come come now, away from the window." I tore myself away, but I could never escape the laughter of these children playing in the park, having so much fun when all I did for fun was play the violin, among other things. My homeschool schedule consisted of Math, Language, History, Geography, Science, English Literature, Art, Music, and dance. Throughout the years, up until middle school, the classes changed once I had mastered the contents of the class. When I was four years old they taught me Latin, once I became fluent, they taught me French, and so on. I had mastered the violin, piano, cello, flute, and guitar.

My parents were never home. Always away on business trips, my older brother never contacted us. He and my parents had an enormous fight and then we never heard from him again. I can't recall his face, nor my parents. I guess that tells you something about their involvement in my life. The only memory of them I have is when they explained to me the rules of living under their roof.

At age 13, they let me go to an actual school, with other kids, but the kids kept their distance from me. At the time, I hated them for it, but now I can understand why. I was from one of the richest families, one wrong move and they could lose everything. They also saw how protected I was. There was always a bodyguard around me at school, wherever I went except for the bathroom. I started to talk to the girls in the bathroom, trying to befriend them. I told them about me and started little conversations. As this went on, I started giving people money, only so they would like me more. I gave the girls so much money, but still, it didn't even dent my bank account. I understand now that was a bratty move, but at the time, I wanted to forget the cold feeling that I would feel when I pressed my hands on the glass window in my room. I was so desperate to forget, but of course, it only drove people to hate me even more.

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