TDBTP Chapter 1

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Chapter 1~~~~


     As CC Afton woke up, rolled out of bed, and fell on the creaky, wood floor, he said to himself, "Today's another day". That was the same phrase,  Psychic Friend Fredbear tells him almost every day. He is CC's best friend. A short, golden plush doll wearing a purple bowtie and tophat. 

CC ran to his closet and got dressed in his gray, striped shirt, one amongst many of the same exact type. The only difference between each of his shirts is the days of the week, poorly written and misspelled on the collar tag. He got up and left the room. "Father's not home, what a surprise." CC thought as he walked to the kitchen where he found his older brother Mike, and his idiotic friends, Mark, Simon, and Fredrick they all wore animatronic masks, Mike was Foxy, Simon was Chica, Frederick was Freddy, and Mark was Bonnie.  "Hey, loser!" said Fredrick. Mike turned to CC. "Leave me alone Mikey! I'm not in the mood for this right now." CC Exclaimed. "Ooh, look guys! The crybaby finally stood up for himself!" Said Simon. Mike walked over to CC and pushed him to the floor. "Shut up." he said, "Wait, Mikey! I'm sorry I didn't mean-". "I SAID SHUT UP!" Mike raised his fist and CC broke into tears. Mark grabbed Mike's other arm. "Mike, he's not worth it." Mark said "Ugh! Fine! You're lucky this time, Evan!" exclaimed Mike as he walked away. CC hated when Mike called him that. It was what his mom named him before she left them for some guy, and taking with her all the money the family ever had. CC never got to know his mom, he was only 2 at the time. As he wiped his tears and waited for Mike and his friends to leave, He took his medications. Then he grabbed some cereal and made himself some breakfast. As he walked to grab a spoon, he heard the door shut. "They finally left," he thought to himself. CC walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, as he turned on the television, the first thing he saw was an ad for Fredbear's Family Diner. He's seen that ad at least a million times, but no matter how many times he sees those creepy animatronic mascots, Fredbear and SpringBonnie, he gets freaked out. Maybe it is those lifeless, unblinking, human eyes, or maybe it was the way the mouth moves, not synced with the music at all, but either way it makes CCs hair stand on end. He felt a wave of relief as the camera panned back over to slobby children eating pizza. "It's ok, they can't hurt you," said Psychic friend Fredbear. "But it's almost time to head to the diner, you should get ready." As CC heads to the kitchen to wash out his bowl, he catches a glimpse of a drawing made by his little sister Elizabeth on the kitchen counter, and a tear rolls down his cheek. Elizabeth went missing a week ago, and CC saw what happened that night. Circus Baby, one of his dad's inventions, had grabbed her and pulled her into its stomach, but no matter how many times he told the police no one believed him. Mike saw it too but he arrived as it happened, he knew that CC could have helped but didn't. That's why he bullies him. CC also blames himself for the incident, “I could have done something, I could have told her that father would get mad.” He clenched his fists and started crying "I'M SO SORRY ELIZABETH!" He exclaimed. He hadn't yelled like that since he was around 6. CC has always been the quiet kid, even around his family, so no one had ever heard him yell since then. He looked at the clock and realized that he was late. He ran next door to the pizzeria. He passed the offices and went to the one that read William Afton, he went into the room where he saw his dad working on a blueprint for Toy Freddy. “Hello father” CC said “Ah, CC hello, you are going to work on fixing Spring Bonnie” Said William. CCs face turned completely white. “ok,” he said unenthusiastically. He left and went to the room that read Staff only. As he entered the room his hairs began to stand on its edges. CC hated the staff room, the light turned bad over time and now just turned this luminescent flickering yellow. He shuffled toward the broken spring bonnie suit, grabbed it, and dragged it to the repair room. It was extremely heavy to his petite 12 year old body even though it was only 40 pounds, but he managed it. CC grabbed the necessary tools and got to work, although he was young and small he had plenty of experience. His father had put him in an advanced engineering class three years ago. He hated it but he had to stay in it because he didn't want to disappoint his father; he was also the youngest student there which made him a big target for bullying. As he finished up, he remembered he needed to test it. "You won't die, you won't die" he repeated in his head as he grabbed the neck and pushed the button that read "SHOWTIME" on the back. CC ran to the other side of the room as the animatronic came to life and started singing. He was so nervous that he almost threw up. "BOO!" CC screamed bloody murder. Mike laughed at CC's terror. "Oh I wanna punch you so hard in the throat for that '' CC thought. But unbeknownst to CC and Mike, CC had jumped right in front of Spring bonnie, and he got hit by its hand when it was in motion. It cut open CCs face from his cheek to his other eye. CC ran to the back of the robot and turned it off. He was in tears, blood dripping off his face into puddles on the floor, the tears leaking into the cut on his cheek which was making it worse. Mike started to laugh harder as CC ran past him into the next room, running and crying, leaving a trail of blood everywhere he went. He ran out the door, back to the house and into the bathroom. CC grabbed gauze wrap and wrapped it around the wound. He checked the time "5:30, Father should be home soon," he said to himself. CC washed his hands, did the dishes, and set the table. Mike then came home, Mike walked towards him leaned down and whispered, "If you tell William what  happened you will end up with a wound a lot worse than that one" Mike got up and walked past him to go wash his hands for dinner. CC was terrified, he wasn't sure if Mike would go through with that threat but he didn't want to risk it. His father arrived with Carl's Jrs and they sat down and started to eat, "CC WHAT HAPPENED?!" William exclaimed as he looked at CC. Mike looked at CC with a threatening look. "Oh this, yeah just an accident from repairing Spring bonnie'' Mike looked like he regretted nothing. As they finished up Mike went to his room, CC went to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth, Afterwards he took off the gauze and went to bed.

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