TBBTP Chapter 4

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CC stood up. He felt dizzy and had a huge pain in his head. Everything was blurry, "Where am I?" he thought to himself. "Oh, you're awake." He heard a voice say. CC looked up and saw a girl, not too much older than him, maybe 12 or 13 at most, with long straight black hair, wearing a blue, striped shirt with a yellow dress over it. She was sitting down on a chair. "You're lucky I pushed you out of the way, or you would have been toast." she said calmly."Wh- what happened, where am I?" CC asked with pain in his voice "So, long story short you almost got hit by a truck, but luckily for you I tackled you out of the way, which is probably why it hurts to do anything. Also you are at my house!" She said,"Th- thank- you" CC said, "no need to strain your voice." The girl responded."I would stay here for a while, your body probably isn't fit for moving yet. Also just so you know my mom made you tea, you know, to help with your throat.". The girl walked out of the room. CC felt very worn out, so he just laid back down and fell back asleep.
  Around an hour or so later, CC woke back up, his body still hurting a bit, but he was strong enough to get up. He walked out of the room and into the living room, he saw the girl again. "Oh, hey." She said "I never asked, but what's your name?" "I-I'm CC." He responded quietly. "CC?" She said "Yeah, i-it's a nickname my brother gave me, it means Crying Child." "Oh, Well then CC, I'm Cassidy! But- you can call me Cass." She said "I just wanted to thank you for saving me." "No need to thank me, I should thank you." Cassidy said "Me? What did I do?"  He asked "Well, you are my first friend!" CC's eyes lit up with joy. "F-Friend?" He said as he started to tear up. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" "I am just happy to finally have a friend." He said. "Well now you do!" Cassidy said. CC looked out the window at the night sky. "WAIT, WHAT TIME IS IT?!" CC asked Cassidy, she looked at the clock. "Uhm, 12:54 Am why?" "Oh god, I have to go. Can we meet up at the shop tomorrow?" He asked Cassidy. "Yeah, Same time?" "Yup!" CC responded as he Grabbed his bag and left. Luckily Cassidy lived close to CC so he walked to his house. He opened the door and immediately was greeted by William. "Oh my god, CC what happened?! I was just on the phone with the cops!" William asked "I was at a friends house and lost track of time was all." CC responded "Ok, be more careful next time. Now go upstairs." William said. "Ok." CC walked upstairs to his room and sat down for some peace and quiet, but it didnt last long before Mike barged in. "What do you need Mikey?' CC said sternly "That truck shouldve killed you, brat." And before CC could ask how he knew about that, Mike was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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