How many spider mans are there?

522 15 5

//Content warning! :D chapter starts immediately with angst 🙂 nothing that bad, just a heads up :D oh also there is swear words 😃

I looked down at everything burning. This was so unfair to everyone else. Anyone, anyone but me would have deserved my role and done so much better than i did. I had failed. I had failed everything. "Fuuuck just kill me already!" I cried to the empty world. No one was here to hear my cries anymore.

"Oh how could you fail at being a spider man this badly? You didn't save anyone!" A mysterious voice scolded. I had heard this voice many times, but still, i didn't know who was behind it. "Im sorry i tried! I tried my best! Im so sorry i couldn't do enough" I cried out. I knew all of this was my fault. I didn't need to hear it from anyone.

The voice sighed. "I honestly would love to leave you die here with the rest of your world but Miguel said he would need you sooo" it spoke. "Who's Miguel?" I asked in confusion. Hadn't everyone just died? How could some Miguel be alive? "Oh, i don't have time for further questions. Just hop in this portal and go talk to him. And maybe don't bring up the fact that you just destroyed your world? Hm?" As soon as it said that a portal appeared in front of me. "Okay, fine, as you wish" I muttered and took a step closer to the portal but then hesitated. "Will i never see you again?" I asked from the voice but it was already gone. I guess im going to wherever this portal leads me.


I woke up with my head dizzy, from some buildings floor. I could hear many peoples talking around me. Wtf i thought the world just got destroyed? I sat up and look around. Spider man.. why does everyone look like spider man? What the fuck?? Is this a nightmare? Or some sick joke?

"Good morning new guy!" A curly haired spider man said to me? "Did you lose consciousness while going across the worlds?" He questioned and put his hand on my forehead. Next to him stood a spider man with spikes on his head? What the hell is going on. "Uhhh are you Miguel?" I asked and they both laughed at me. Okay??

"Oh don't say you are here to join the spider society too!" The punk spider guy sighed. "Uhh i don't know what that is but im here to meet Miguel. Do you know where he is?" I ask, confused about everything that's happening. "How can you not know what spider society is if you are here?" The curly haired one asked. He then helped me to stand up. "Well uh my guider just send me here to meet Miguel. They didn't tell anything else" i answered hoping they would stop with the questions.

"Alrighty follow me then!" The curly haired boy called and turned to walk in some direction. I followed him with the punk boy who just sighed again.

"Im Pavitr Prabhakar, the one and only spider man from India! What's your name new guy?" The curly hair- i mean Pavitr introduced himself and took his mask off. I did the same after him. "Im y/n l/n, from (your home country?)" Then rock star took off his mask too. "The name is Hobie Brown"

We then arrived to the place where Miguel is. He dramatically slowly came down on his elevator thingy. "Yeah this may take a while" Hobie snorted next to me. So we just kinda stood there then.

"What do you kids want to bother me about again?" Miguel sighs, his tone sounds like he is annoyed and tired. Pavitr opened his mouth to say something but before he could do that i screamed. My whole fucking body just, just?? Glitched?? "What the fuck was that???" I yelled, looking at my hands that thankfully looked normal again. All of them looked at me, taken off guard.

Miguel then tossed me some kind of wristband. "Wear that. It keeps you from doing that again" He said in a cold voice. I put it on immediately, not wanting to experience whatever the fuck that was again.

"I don't think he has been in other universe's before. He is a new guy who just appeared in the hallway from a portal. He really wanted to meet you" Pavitr talked like he was reporting me to a police officer. "Snitch" i joke and walked up to Miguel. "Im y/n l/n. My guider wanted me to meet you." I spoke politely and offered a handshake. He shook it with a strong grip. "So you are the spider man from earth 69696? What do you wish to discuss?" He asked, but before i had the opportunity to answer someone walked into the room.

"Miguellll!! Can you watch Mayday for me, pretty please?" A middle aged man walked in with a baby. Miguel groaned in annoyance. "These two can do it. They have been doing nothing but wasting my time the whole day" He ordered, pointing at Pav, who was politely standing there and Hobie, who was ... well being Hobie.

Miguel ordered me to follow him to come talk with him to his office gaming setup elevator thing. Kinda epic.

// Yes i am taking y/n's lore very seriously what do you mean??🥰

Worlds colliding [Pavitr x Hobie x Male!reader] Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum