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What is a Hopless romantic?

Google defines a hopeless romantic as, "A hopeless romantic is someone who continues to believe in love, no matter the struggles they might have experienced in the past. They choose to see the positive in relationships over the negative, believing wholeheartedly that love conquers all." All though some of this is correct it can also be seen as total bullshit.

Take an example like me. My name is Izzy. Now I just choose to not date because I hate it. I hate how I have to give my undivided attention to someone who can't fill their joy. I'm always busy and ambitious. I have to finish school work, work, do volunteer jobs, and I do cheerleading on top of that. Second off no matter how smart a boy or man is all they need is sex. I hate sex. How do I know?, well it's disgusting and it takes two to clean. It has way too much responsibility, I have to worry about getting fertile. I know you guys will say "just use protection!" it's going to be dryer than there Arabian desert. I never had it and I certainly don't need it.

I truly wished that in this society it would be okay to be a hopeless romantic. I always get "your a pretty girl you should have a boyfriend, or you have a boyfriend yet?". It's always the "your so pretty." most of these guys just use you to have sex. I know this because everytime I meet a guy and I'm getting to know them their always like you wanna f*ck orrrrrrrr, they get to know you and when you don't want anything related to intercourse you get ghosted.

Ah yes, the classic ghosting. I hate ghosting with a passion. No one deserves to be ghosted unless your a super seinor, a therian, a pedo...so I guess I'm a hypocrite. Let's just say a small amount of people deserve to be ghosted. The emotional baggage that comes with ghosting sucks!. The amount of times I stood up all night overthinking my conversations and crying myself to sleep is out of this world. There was also a time I was sick but I was sick because I was anxious. I got ghosted by a boy I was talking to and I spilled out my internal organs all night. Yeah I'm alright that happened ironically on valentines day. Just understand that guys who ghost girls will continue a same pattern of doing so because they do not know what they want and I can't have my time wasted on stupid people like that. Ghosters are pathetic losers who deserve nothing. They don't deserve contact at all. They deserve nothing and that's what they get, nothing. I like to see them crumble and fall apart. I love to make fun of ghosters.

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