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(The Promise)

I wake up after someone shakes me, and realizes it was Saero. I squinted, wanting to go back to sleep but her words woke me up.

"We're here."

I rub my eyes roughly, forcing myself to wake up when in fact we were here.

The vacation rental was in front of us, I couldn't really tell how beautiful it looked because of how dark it was outside but I knew in the morning it would look magnificent.

I slowly got out of the car, nodding, before opening the truck still sleepy.

I grab the stroller, assembled that, then our bags and set them down one by one before yawning again.

I turn to Saero who I noticed was watching me the whole time and quickly turn away.

She carries the baby with such ease and I was so impressed that she picked up how to take care of a baby that fast.

She knew the proper way to carry one, to feed one, all that. It was genuinely so fascinating to see especially how far I've known her.

She wasn't the type to really care for children, I mean, before.. when we dated. She always said that she didn't mind children, she wasn't sure if she wanted one either, I, on the other hand, always wanted one.

She carried the baby to the stroller and we made our way inside.

The rental was honestly super beautiful, it kinda gave off Hawaii but also Eastern vibes as the architecture and style of the house described that.

I look around, admiring the place, as I see Saero walking away, presumably finding a room to stay in. I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, the silence of the place now left with me.

I decided to take a look around and see if the other two were here but realized that we would've known if their car was here but it wasn't. So we were probably the first to get here, which doesn't make sense since we made some stops along the way and got into traffic.

I shrug it off, heading to the hallway where all the rooms were and opened a random one.

The room was quite cozy, it was spacious and nice looking so I decided to mark my territory by setting my bags aside. I realized that some of Saero's bags were also outside still so I quickly got hers and knocked on her door quietly.

She opened the door slightly as I held out her suitcase in front of her and she slowly nods, "thank you," was all she said before grabbing the suitcase in my hands and closing the door.

I stood in front of her door for a while before heading back to mine until the doorknob shuffles. I panic at first, but quickly realized that it was Jungwon and Mijoo.

I laid my hand out on my chest, sighing out of relief as I greeted them tiredly.

"Scared the hell out of me. How'd do you guys get here after us?" I ask, reaching in for a handshake with Jungwon and then smiling at Mijoo whose eyebags were evident.

"Well.." he says, awkwardly looking at Mijoo before continuing.

"I kept falling asleep. And Mijoo over here doesn't know how to drive so we kept pulling over to take naps in between hours." He explains, side eying the one beside him whose head was about to fall off its neck.

"How come she's the one who looks more tired?" I ask, laughing a bit.

Jungwon scoffs jokingly, walking away to the living room.

"Apparently she has trouble falling asleep in a car."

I furrow my eyebrows, staring funnily at Mijoo before she bows at the both of us.

"Well, if you excuse me gentlemen. I'll go sleep now, in a bed." She says with absolutely no energy whatsoever, almost humming at the last sentence before walking away.

I felt sleepy too, it was late at night so I was gonna head to bed but Jungwon called out my name.


I turn to him, raising my eyebrows as a response as I also felt drained too to even speak.

"Did you and Saero talk?"


I chuckle at the thought.

He remembers.

Before the trip, I was feeling depressed because of my situation at home so Jungwon was the one who prepared this whole thing. I didn't know that we were gonna be accompanied with Saero and her friend until today when Jungwon explained that they would be joining.

It was apparent between all of us that we needed some sort of getaway, whether it be from people, classes, or life.

And I'm actually really glad that we were able to form this whole thing.

Before we made our way to Saero's apartment, Jungwon made sure that I promised him to talk to Saero.

He knew that I found comfort in Saero. Because whenever I would speak to her, I would somehow feel lighter and more at ease.

I sigh, chuckling softly.

"Yeah, I did."

𝐋𝐘𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋; lee heeseungWhere stories live. Discover now