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Hi, bad name person here! I was the one who chose Evelyn, because all your exes are terrible. I like her the most because she has many different sides to her. Actually, if I remember, I saw somewhere Evelyn being described as if Sophie grew up without an Agatha. However, I see one thing wrong here. August was the brother of Evelyn. August is described as being like Stefan. Stefan is the bio dad of Agatha, and she got his soul (remember the potion thingy that Vanessa had Callis brew?) So Evelyn DID grow up with an Agatha-like influence! So, since (if I remember correctly) school masters have access to the files of each student, could you tell me how they turned out that bad? Oh by the way, please ignore the choosing of Cancer, it was a mistake since I don't know anything about zodiac. Also, I saw you said that you would like your name to be Kai or Ambrose. I think Ambrose is a wonderful name, but Kai reminds me of Kei and sounds too happy and peppy for a Never I think. Also, for the love part of your poll, I chose yes in the thought that the right thing to do is to love everyone, no matter who they are or what they do, because we are all people and all make mistakes, and the right thing to do is forgive. Since we should love everyone, everyone extends to you, doesn't it?

What I know is that Evelyn thought August had more advantages than she did because he was a man and she was a woman. AND Evelyn did grow with August as her Agatha but she hads a beef with him. Also thank you for choosing yes in the poll, although I think my actions are unforgivable at this point. Not like I care, anyway.

 Hi, bad name person here again. I realized that you were confused on why I chose Evelyn. This was because I saw that she had so many layers and what made her this way and her soft spots (these soft spots are microscopic, but they exist, unlike yours). For example, she helps out Tristan who was stuck in the School for Boys. And , like I said above, we see what made her this way: Her jealousy to her younger brother. I can kind of relate to her in the sense that I used to be jealous of my younger brother as a kid. I am neurodiverse though I won't get into the specifics of that. It was undiagnosed, so, especially when I had just started first grade, I was always yelled at for forgetting stuff or for not being able to finish stuff. Meanwhile, my brother is an extremely hardworking boy (did you know he used to print out math problems at age 6.5 and solve them for fun), so I was always compared to him which made me resent him. But then, I got diagnosed. And I don't know what got into me, but one day, I decided to look at him differently and more as a friend rather than the person I always get compared to. I know that if I didn't come to peace with such things, I could have become like Evelyn. I pity her a lot for going down that path, but she made tons of mistakes too so she isn't entirely innocent either. In that sense, she is an enigma to me, because I relate so much to one part of her, but I wonder about all the others. I also wonder if she had other issues, because not everything can be explained by sibling rivalry (I mean seriously, Sophie and Agatha are sisters, but they came to peace with each other). There are so many things about Evelyn that I wonder about, but at the same time, she still manages to be relatable and out there in space. Seriously though, all your exes are terrible, and it is not pleasant having to choose one. I just think that she is the best out of them. (but seriously, you fell in love with all the red flags)

Evelyn did have many sides, including her genuine affection for me, and I guess her children (although she preferred Rhian over Japeth). Maybe I subconsciously was with her because I myself have insecurities and a problematic relationship with Rafal so we could relate to each other in that way. Still, her obsession got annoying. 

Hi, bad name person here again. I just wanted to say something quick about Evelyn Sader again. I didn't mention this in my last message, but I am always compared to my brother when I mess up, even if sometimes, there was nothing I could have done about it (remember the neurodiverse thing). This led to a lot of pain, and me resenting my brother. If that miracle day that my attitude shifted never happened, I would have gone down a path like hers. I don't justify her actions, but I understand why she acted that way. I know that I will never be the better sibling (my brother is so hardworking, selfless, smart, athletic, and everything you could want, while I am clumsy, forgetful, and less athletic than a turtle). I see that Evelyn never had that click for her, that it was not her brothers fault.

Evelyn always resented August even when he tried to help her, but I can't say anything because I killed Rafal when he was the One chosen by the Storian, like always. I actually do admire Evelyn's drive for vengeance at least and how she could get things done. She was actually smart and that's why I chose her to help me come back to lofe and get Sophie.

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