Chapter Four

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Bermuda triangle.

"Close your mouth! Unless you want to be drinking pee. Then by all means keep talking!"


As we broke the surface, gasping for air, we took greedy breaths. Doing this before hasn't made it easier. Treading the water to keep us afloat, clinging to Henry as I try to regain my breath the pain remains in my chest. Lungs burning form lack of oxygen, I was sure at some point I inhaled water "Are you alright?" Henry asking his voice sounding distant water had to be clogging my ears.

Desperately trying to unclog them. "You probably popped your ear drums." Henry spoke as he grabbed me gently, pushing us closer toward the shore a few feet away from where we had resurfaced.

Unclipping himself, he helped me lay on the sand as the water wretched from my lungs. Reaching forward he pushed hair plastered to my face, taking it gently in his hands he felt the soft strands between his fingers.

"Are you alright?" This time it was my turn to ask, my voice was rough from all the coughing that happened moments before. "Henry?" trying again this time softer. "You're hurt."

His face morphed into many emotions' confusion settling on his brows.

Was I hurt? When did that happen? If he was hurt, was I? Quickly grabbing me by my shoulders, moving me around trying to find any signs that I was hurt. Besides a decent sized gash over my eyebrow, I deemed me to be doing okay.

Sitting up on my knees taking his arm my into hands assessing the damage, I sighed. A decent sized gash on his bicep made me cringe if it didn't get cleaned and stitched it could easily get infected. Looking around for any of the crates, I came up empty handed.

Doing the only thing I probably could think of, I took out the hunting knife strapped to my thigh.  Cutting the bottom of my shirt to use to wrap the wound I pulled a decent sized thread from the ripped fabric, using the ended of the safety pin thar was always carried around for this exact reason, I would be able to stitch the wound.

The only problem was finding a disinfectant.

I remembered when I was a small child my father would use a blend of plants to disinfect a wound if I was to get hurt on one of our camping trips.

Standing up I made my way towards the forest.  "Where are you going?" Henry asks, watching as I moved away from him. "Stay here, I will be right back!" Speaking quickly.

"I don't think that's a good idea,"

"You need medicine for your arm, if you haven't noticed we don't have any of our things."

"Even so, we need to stick together."

Sighing, I moved back toward the man I had been unfortunate enough to be stuck with. Kneeling in front of him I looked into his eyes. "I will be gone five minutes' tops, I promise." I spoke, determination lacing my voice. Henry weighed his options on one hand she was right, we didn't have the first aid kit. On the other he was probably worried about me going into an unknown forest by myself. Sighing reluctantly, he knew that I would be okay. "Five minutes, a minute more and I'm coming to find you." Nodding I stood up. "I expected nothing more from you Mr. Stavern." Henry watched as I disappeared behind the tree line.

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