Chapter 2.

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And as if they knew,the doorbell rang just in time,signaling that the guests arrived.

Mrs.Han rushed to the door and opened it.It revealed of course the familiar doctor mr.Kim,and a young boy next to him,they look a lot like each other.

The boy was not too tall but not too short.He was dressed nicely and he had really attention catching hair.It was avery dark brown together with the b londe highlighted bangs that rested on his forehead.

The woman greeted them with a smile just to recieve a slight polite bow from the boy "Hello,my name is Kim Seungmin.It's a pleasure to meet you."

Jisung's mother gushed over how cute the boy seemed already attacking him with a few compliments of how adorable he seemed,which Seungmin gladly thanked with a smile.

She signaled for mr.Han and Jisung to come and greet the guests,which of course they did as they were told.Mr.Han respectfully shook hand's with mr.Kim while he also politely greeted his son.

"And this is my son Jisung" she extended her hand towards him.And Jisung,even though he still has back pain from past injuries bowed at the two people infront of him.

In a moment they were all sat at the table.The parents were holding some boring conversation about work while Seungmin and Jisung just stared at their empty plates.

It was a very unsettling silence between them,which made Jisung anxious as he started picking on his nail skin,because he can't fully bite them when he is sitting at a table with guests.The blue haired boy didn't really enjoy the tension,little did he know that Seungmin hated it too.

Suddenly Jisung's mom came behind the two putting her left hand on right Seungmin's shoulder and her right hand on Jisung's left shoulder "Is everything okay boys?"

Jisung slightly nodded with a tiny smile,while Seungmin replied "Everything is great mrs.Han"

The woman smiled "I am happy to hear that,also Seungmin don't be shy with the food,you can eat as much as you want"

And as she said those words she took the food and started filling both of his and Jisung's plates full with food "Aish you two eat too little,eat so you can both be healthy,you're both so thin.." the woman insisted.

She put the food down,sitting again in her chair as she popped up a question. "So Seungmin tell me a little about yourself" lenaing against the table ever so slightly.

The conversation that has previously been going through mr.Kim and mr.Han abruptly stopped as they rotated their full attention to Seungmin.
The whole table was now silently looking at the the boy.

Seungmin cleared his throat as he began speaking "Well,I am a top student in my school year,and as my extra activity I sing and also play the piano.
I have two close friends who are very friendly and kind,and I would love to introduce them to Jisung if he transfers to my school."

The woman nodded along with all the words that came out of Seungmin's mouth.They kept talking for quite a while,so much that Jisung grew bored of it.

He wasn't hungry either so all the food was left untouched.Zoned out into his own world Jisung who was holding the fork he was supposed to eat with the boy just started pushing the food around the plate uninterested to eat it.

The previous words Jisung's mom has said echoed throught his brain "Aish you two eat too little,eat so you can both be healthy,you're both so thin.." He wanted to believe her but he couldn't.Why couldn't he believe her?

Mrs.Han noticed the boys were getting bored so she suggested them to go to Jisung's room and hang out there.But before they left the table Seungmin spotted Jisung's untouched food in the corner of his eye.

Both of the males were now walking up the large stairs."Which way is your room?",the oreo haired boy asked.In response Jisung pointed towards the right,exactly towards his room before rushing to open the door.

Seungmin's jaw dropped at the sight of the room.It was modern but at the same time it had a cozy feeling to it.It was probably because all of the shelves full of mangas,random posters and producing equipment.The atmosphere definitely showed that it was a teenage boy room.

Jisung plopped onto his bed as Seungmin looked around noticing a guitar in the corner of the room "You play the guitar?"

The boy nodded his bangs flowing togrther with all hos movements."Do you sing too?I mean-Did you sing before..?" He asked,again receiving a nod in response.

The blue haired boy suddenly got up from his bed taking a pen and writting something down.As he showed it to Seungmin he read it out loud "Do you want me to play the guitar for you?" and witht hat Seungmin nodded in a approval.

They both sat comfortably on Jisung's bed.Seungmin's hands were resting on his lap while Jisung was adjusting the guitar strings.At that moment the bandages around Jisung's hands and wrists caught his eye.

Jisung noticed Seungmin's gaze on his hands and wrists which made him act up instantly pulling his sleeves more down so he could see less.He gently moved his hand against the strings,starting to play.

Seungmin recognized the song,which made him instantly smile.It was Still with you by Jungkook.

Jisung's gaze focused on his fingers that played the guitar while his mind was playing the lyrics in his head.And by his surprise Seungmin started singing along with his tune.

With no light in the darkroom
I shouldn't get used to it
But I'm used to it again
The low-pitched sound of this air conditioner

If I don't have this, I will fall apart
We laugh together, we cry together
I guess these simple feelings were everything to me

When will it be?
If I face you again
I will look into your eyes
And say I missed you

In a rapturous memory
It's raining when I dance alone
By the time this mist clears
I'll be running with my feet wet
Give me a hug then

. . .

Over the next few hour spands Jisung and Seungmin bonded quite well despite Jisung not being able to speak.
When mrs.Han came to Jisung's room she saw the two boys laughing about something.

That made her instantly smile,it has been a while since she saw her son like that.It was a happy moment but also painful for her.

What she witnessed now was enough to make the final conclusion with her husband.

Jisung will transfer to Seungmin's school.And Seungmin will help him to settle in there well.

Maybe going to a new school wouldn't be so bad after all..right?

Author's note:
Kinda boring but I was really busy this week that I almost forgot to write a new chapter update.This is a filler chapter btw.

Thanks for 31 reads on my first chapter!

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