Chapter 2~

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After Tenn's long lecture to the people who spied on the 2, they were now allowed to ask questions "Umm so, why did Riku-kun call you 'Tenn-nii' " asked Gaku "I and Riku are twins, it's as simple as that" said Tenn "But you have different surnames!" said Sougo "Tenn-nii got adopted" said Riku "Are you all from an orphanage?" asked Tamaki "No, we're not...when I and Tenn-nii were young...a man came and said 'I want the boy named Tenn, if not then I will shut down your business, we didn't really care about the business because we mostly got money through Tenn-nii's performances but still...Tenn-nii...left" said Riku and started to sob "Riku...that isn't the only reason I left...he said he would shoulder us on the money for the hospital bills..." said Tenn "But I really missed you Tenn-nii," said Riku "I...missed you too," said Tenn and hugged Riku. "Well that was touching but...what do you mean by hospital bills?" asked Yamato, a little bit concerned about what happened to the Nanases "Eto...Can we tell you guys later?" said Riku "Riku! We have to tell them!" said Tenn "I know a few days....pleaseeee" pleaded Riku with his puppy dog eyes...even Tenn can't resist those eyes "*sighs* Fine Riku...but, I will not allow you to be an idol unless you tell them your secret," said Tenn "Mouu fine! I'll tell them in a few days if I get in or not" said Riku "Oh! Shall we go to a cafeteria?" asked Nagi "Not a bad idea Nagi! We can get to know each other better!" said Mitsuki "Less goooo!" cheered Riku.

*At the restaurant*

"Let's sit over there!" exclaimed Riku, pointing towards a table with freaking 15 chairs "Okay, anything for you," said Tenn 'Mannn this dude is a brocon' thought everyone "What do you all want?" asked Ryuu "I want a strawberry shortcake!" said Riku "Still the same as when we were kids huh," said Tenn with a sad smile "Mhmm...Tenn-nii must like vanilla right?" asked Riku "Yes...I love vanilla," said Tenn "Stop it with the past and go on with the future!" said Sougo "You both are together now! So you don't have to sulk," said Momo "Agreed" Yuki backed up his husband- I mean friend *chuckles awkwardly* "So, my Tenn is now with his brother again?" said a man peeking through the windows of the shop "Sir! What do you want us to do?" asked another man "I want you to make Tenn's brother suffer...and please kill their true parents...right now!" said the boss "Yes sir!" asked another man "I want my Tenn to My self," said the boss "Okay sir!" the 2 men said in unison.

*After eating*

" you want to see Okaa-san and Otou-san again?" asked Riku "Yes...I would love to" replied Tenn. When they reached Riku's house, Tenn was mesmerized that it was the same one. "C'mon Tenn-nii let's go inside!" said Riku "Wait...why are the lights off?" questioned Riku "I don't know..." said Tenn 'What could they be doing?' thought Riku. When Riku opened the door, there wasn't a single light on, the 2 went to the living room and saw something they never would've imagined... they were after on the couch with blood everywhere and on him "'re" Those were the last words of Akio...the father of the twins "Otou-san!" The duo shouted in unison "Get away from me!" exclaimed Akari (The mother) "Okaa-san?!" Tenn and Riku ran to the kitchen only to find 2 men in black hoodies with a gun "Tenn! You're here! I missed you-" Akari got shot and was bleeding really badly "My sons..." Those were the last words Akari had. Riku was breathing heavily which soon became a coughing fit! "Riku!" Tenn exclaimed "T-Tenn-nii *cough cough*" Riku coughed, but suddenly...he coughed blood! "Riku?" Tenn looked at him. "Tenn-nii...please help," said Riku and then fell into Tenn's arms "Might as well kill you both too," said one of the men. Tenn placed Riku on the ground and walked up to them. One of them shot but Tenn easily dodged it, the two kept on shooting till they were done with bullets "Are you done now?" Tenn's evil smirk stayed on him while he kicked and punched them "DON'T YOU DARE COME CLOSE TO ME OR MY BROTHER! YOU ALREADY TOOK AWAY MY MOM AND DAD SO STAY AWAY!" shouted Tenn. He then kicked them hard which made the two faint, Tenn went to the kitchen counter and saw omurrice...he then started crying of what he saw 'Riku's first day of school!' was written with ketchup... Tenn wiped his tears and called the police and ambulance, he waited outside and finally saw the cars he had been waiting for. The police sirens buzzed through the straight road while the nurses put Riku on a stretcher "Are you his family?" asked one of the nurses "I'm his twin brother" he said and got into the van with his younger sibling 'Please be okay...' thought Tenn holding Riku's hands.

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