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The tension in the air grew palpable as you found yourself surrounded by the manager and his contingent of guards. The harsh glow of dimly lit overhead lights cast eerie shadows on the cold, unforgiving floor. Sweat trickled down your temple as you took a deep breath, your muscles coiled with a mix of fear and determination.

With a sudden surge of strength, you lunged forward, your fists lashing out with calculated precision. This element of surprise allowed you to dispatch a few guards, your movements fluid and swift. However, your triumph was short-lived as more guards emerged from the shadows, converging upon you like a swarm of relentless predators.

Feeling the weight of overwhelming odds pressing upon you, your mind raced, searching for a way out of this perilous situation. Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat reverberating through your body as you struggled to devise a plan amidst the chaos that threatened to consume you.

Unbeknownst to you, Ranpo, disguised as a guard, had been carefully observing the unfolding scene from his hiding place behind a nearby wall. His keen eyes analysed every detail, his mind working tirelessly to find an opening to rescue you before you were captured by the manager and taken away from him for good. The moment he saw an opportunity, he knew he had to act swiftly and decisively.

As the manager inched closer, a sinister smile playing upon his lips, your instincts kicked into overdrive. You took a step back, your senses heightened, aware that you were rapidly running out of options. Fear coursed through your veins, but you refused to succumb to the suffocating grip of despair.

In that crucial moment, a billowing cloud of smoke enveloped the room, obscuring vision and causing confusion among the armed guards. Ranpo seized the opportunity, throwing a smoke bomb with impeccable timing, shrouding the area in a haze of uncertainty. The smoke curled and swirled, a shroud of protection concealing your escape.

Moving with agility and precision, Ranpo closed the distance between himself and you. He swiftly covered your mouth, muffling any inadvertent sounds that might betray his presence. With a firm yet gentle grip, he guided you away from the chaos unfolding in the smoke-filled room, the world around the two of you reduced to a blur of shadows and indistinguishable shapes.

As you were being dragged, your senses heightened, your heart pounding in your chest, your mind racing with thoughts of escape. Your muffled screams and frantic thrashing echoed in your head, desperation pulsating through every fibre of your being. In your mind, the mysterious captor remained a nameless stranger, his touch a painful reminder of your captivity; his motives and identity shrouded in uncertainty.

Through the haze of panic, you were led into a room concealed behind a heavy, red velvet curtain. The momentary respite from the chaos allowed your racing thoughts to briefly settle. A flicker of curiosity mingled with your fear as you wondered what lay beyond the fabric barrier.

Conundrum | Ranpo Edogawa ✓Where stories live. Discover now