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"She's my girlfriend." Their brother's cold voice suddenly blurted out, and the three pair of eyes suddenly bulged out of their stockets.


"Yaya?" His sister said in disbelief. "Your girlfriend? How?"

"Yes, my girlfriend." He reaffirmed, clenching his jaws. He stared directly at the girl, and she internally shuddered. She has seen those eyes before, but where?

A smiled bloomed on his sister's face as she rushed to the girl in excitement. ", I'm sorry about my behavior. I was just...shocked! My brother has never introduced anyone as his girlfriend before. Well after all there's a first time for everything." She giggled. "I'm Ayshah by the way. And you are?"

Zaheerah seemed to be in a daze as she looked at her. She still couldn't fathom what was happening. Why would he declare a complete stranger as his girlfriend? But she couldn't refute what he said because of the daggers he subtly kept throwing her way. She couldn't do anything but comply, and force a smile on her face. "I'm Zaheerah, nice to meet you too."

"I can see why my brother has never mentioned you before. You're indeed a rare beauty. Allahumma baarik."

"Ameen thank you." Zaheerah smiled shyly. She just wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole. God!

"Well since tomorrow is Saturday, and my brother is off from work, I would like to invite you over for lunch. No excuses. Besides, I know that my brother would love that." Ayshah grinned. "I would like to know more about the girl that melted my bother's ice cold heart!"

Her brother forced a smile on his face, mentally face palming himself for the kind of of messy situation he landed himself in, all thanks to his sister who he didn't want the spark of happiness that lighted up in her eyes to dull out.
Saif cleared his throat, feeling awkward and a little irked. He was supposed to introduce Zaheerah to his brother as an interviewee, but it turns out that he was her boyfriend. How was this even possible. His brother of all people.

"I would go back to work now." He said. "Sai mun hadu a gida."

"Give me that necklace first." His brother said, stretching out his hand. Saif looked at him, then at Zaheerah who silently pleaded with him not to give the necklace to him. He hesitated a little before giving it to him and left whilst his brother safely tucked it into his pockets.

"I would also head back home now. Oh I can't wait to share this good news with Mama. I know that she'll be ecstatic as well. Don't forget about tomorrow Zaheerah. Sai anjima." She gave Zaheerah a brief hug before she left.

The man let out a sigh as he walked to his big mahogany table and pulled his chair back, the screeching sound interrupting the tense silence that filled his office. He leaned forward, his eyes ablaze with anger as he glared at the woman who had caused him so much trouble.

Saleem was a business tycoon who had made a fortune in the world of finance. He was a man who had worked tirelessly to get to where he was today, and he prided himself on being able to spot a gold digger from a mile away. So, seeing this girl with a man who called her his girlfriend, and now with his brother as he bought her that necklace that he has seized, he assumed the worst.

"Let me be straight with you, Zaheerah," he said, with a stern look on his face. "I saw you with your boyfriend in a car the other day, and now I see you with my brother. Are you one of those girls who sponges off men for money?"

She was taken aback by his accusation. "No, Mr, I'm not a gold digger," she protested. "I was just catching a ride with a friend. And as for your brother, I've only met him today. He's my friend's boyfriend. I'm not asking for anything from anyone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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