03| red

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The song 'no effort by Princess Nokia blasted through my airpods as I walked through Everton High's gates. This song was exactly what I needed and it got me in the mood for the rest of my day.

'Look at me, so clean, no effort
Ponytail, ripped jeans, no effort
Face clean, gold ring, no effort
Insane, my chain, big pressure'

I thought my mom was exaggerating when she said Everton was big. Boy it was huge.

What was this place? A college?

Well I've heard of a Everton College but that wasn't the point.

My brother dropped me off as soon as the word got around and I was forced to listen to him give me a lecture on the way to school . "Bye big bro."

"Bye. And behave Nadia,"

"Of course I will,"I say with sarcasm lingering in my tone.

He cocks his brow up, not buying it.

I roll my eyes.

He knew me so well.

"That was moments ago. These people aren't Shea. I won't beat up anybody if nobody provokes me,"

"Nadia. " He shots me a look and I sigh. "Okay fine. I'll try my best," And with that, I get out of the car. Rolling my eyes at my brother once again before I walked off.

And as soon as I turned around, all eyes were on me. Well at least most of them were because on my left was a couple that was basically sucking each other's throat and the sight was disturbing to say the least.

Haven't they heard of a room with four walls?

By the looks of it, they didn't give two shits.

I ignore the stares from sun and keep walking and my eyes land on a crowd people had formed. I remove one earpod just to hear them all chanting, "Fight, fight, fight, fight!" I roll my eyes at the bunch of teenagers who had nothing better to do with their lives and shoved my earpod back in. I kept walking until I heard voices. So loud I could hear them through my music so I turned the volume up.

It's probably because of the fight that was happening but clearly I was missing something because all eyes still fell on me.

Have they never seen a human being before?

The hell did I look like to them?

And that's when I notice a speeding car coming right at me.

Before I could even react, something lunged at me with fool force, covering me as we both landed on the ground. My eyes fluttered open and I was met with a pair of olive eyes.

My eyes traveled along his face. He looked so familiar and unrecognizable at the same time. And I guess what threw me off more was those green eyes.

No, Nadia.

It couldn't be him.

His eyes scanned my face almost as if he were looking for a scratch of some sort and by the look on his face, I could tell he found one. "Watch where you're walking next time," His tone was bored as if he had been saving lives all his life. A cold breeze sent shivers down my spine when he got off me and disappeared.

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