Chapter five

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Your POV

As I was sitting in class, taking notes, I heard loud noises.

a few seconds later one of the upper class students came in and started panicking.

"delinquents...two...hall way...beating..up...third...!" he said as he than suddenly passed out.

many of my classmates began to panicking as he passed out but I just stayed calm not really caring.

I stood up and began walking out of the class to see what happened.

as I arrived in the hallway I saw...many third years...beaten up...on the ground. next to them...draken.

he seems to notice me and smiled towards me. I just gave him a blank look.

"Y/N-CHIN!! NICE TO SEE YOU HERE!" mikey yelled from behind me and hugged me with that dude from last time beside him. takemichi was his name? I don't remember.

as they walked near draken that takemichi dude asked draken what happened.

"they pissed me of so I beat them up" he simply said as he ordered them to lay on their stomach.

"let's go" mikey said as he and draken walked on top of the third years earning groans of pain from them.

I snickered at their action as takemichi walked next to them, nervous about them walking on top of them I think. I don't know why he was nervous bruh.

I walked just like takemichi next to them as we talked about random things.

a few minutes later you were on your way outside as you heard a unfamiliar female voice.

"hold it right there!" she yelled as we stopped and looked at her.

takemichi looked shocked as he heard her voice. 'does he know her?' I asked myself.

"sorry hina..I'm actually kinda busy today-" takemichi began as she walked up to me and slapped me right across the face.

mikey and draken looked shocked and than pissed off.

I just smiled touching my now red cheek and began to chuckle slightly.

"let's go takemichi" she said as she grabbed takemichi's wrist and walked off.

"Oí..." draken grabbed her arm "imma kill you bitch" he said as he glared at her.

"you're gonna slap someone than say 'see ya' and just walk off? don't make me laugh" he said in a dark tone.

"coming into the school and force someone to go with you isn't something a friend would do" she stated "lately takemichi has been covered with bruises. if that's because of you guys than I won't forgive you!" she continued.

takemichi than put his hand on drakens shoulder.

"let her go" he muttered.

"hah? what did you say? I didn't hear you" draken said

"I said LET HER GO!" takemichi yelled at draken. draken looked at him in surprise.

a few minutes passed and takemichi was close to tears.

mikey now stood infront of him.

"just promise me one thing" -takemichi

"huh?" -mikey

"just...don't lay a hand on hina!" -takemichi said

'hah! that guy is brave' I thought as I just watched what happened, not getting involved.

"hah? I don't give a damn about her!" mikey said as he clenched his fist and moved towards takemichi's face.

I than grabbed mikey fist. "oí mikey, his isn't worth it. it's just a misunderstanding you know. it's rare to see a couple protecting each other like this" I said with a closed eye smile as takemichi and hina blushed. draken and mikey looked shocked.

"I wasn't going to really punch him y/n-chin. and none of us would ever hurt a girl." mikey said awkwardly as I let his fist go.

"also...hina, right?" I said as I looked at the girl.

"hinata tachibana...sorry about the slap."

"that's okay. I don't mind! your slap was quite strong after all" I said with a smile.

we walked out of the school as we talked.

"also takemichi, you can hang out with your friends. we'll just have our date another day, okay?" she said with a smile.

"huh? hina we can have-" takemichi began but hinata than waved a goodbye to us and left.

"haha! she's nice. take good care of her. she's worth it!" I said as I smiled at takemichi. he blushes.

as we walked home baji called me. (bold: baji, normal: you)

"Hey y/n! what's up?"

"nothing much. what about you?"

"Same. when should I come tomorrow? I have a upcoming test next week and I don't understand the themes"

"I don't know whenever you want."

"could I maybe come right after school?"


"cool! I'll see ya' than"

"yeah! see ya'!"

I than hung up and began to walk into the kitchen and cook.

"hah...what a shame. now I have to cook and that hag can chill out" I said.

Maki's POV

"ACHOOO!!" I sneezed.

"are you okay, Maki?" my friend asked me. "yeah..but someone is for sure talking smack about me" I said.

"well damn. poor you. but at least someone even thinks or talks about you" she said, remarking that I still some kind of have a positive side?

"whatever " I said and went back to what I was doing.


hope you enjoyed.
if you want me to add something just tell me in the comments. I'll try to do it.
I'll see you in the next chapter! ( ^_^)/
bye my pumpkins! ♡

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