Lovebug Effect

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Heads up / Key:
italic - action/mind
bold - heading/yelling
regular/nothing - speech


this Both talking
N: if were gonna escape were gonna need to go to the computer in the bosses office.
S: ..

They go to the bosses office

stanley sits beside the desk so the narrator can do his job

the narrator sits down then starts typing.
stanley peers over to the computer to see what he does.

stanley stands up then leans against the back of the narrators chair to get a better view.

the narrator gets shivers down his spine as stanley places his hand on his shoulder

with the distractions the narrator slips his hand onto the wrong file.

The game resets.

Their POVs
S: we are fucked. wait.. how can i remember that..?
LN: Stanley~
S: what the FUCK..?! why are you wearing pink..?
LN: wdym??! i love pink
S: what the fuck did the narrator put in the computer?! what fucking file was that?
S: lets go to the bosses office.

They head to the bosses office

S: shit. what did he type.
LN: whats wrong love..?
S: LOVE??!
S: Ah.. Nothing..

Stanley searched for the file, he had just barely seen what file the narrator slipped onto; AT54-580

S: Aha!! i found it! the reset button
LN: reset..? your gonna leave me here..? alone..?
S: fuck.. i guess i havent really thought this through..
S: shit, uhhm..
LN: * tears up *
S: No!! dont cry! i love you!
LN: * sniff * really?
S: yes!
LN: i love you too..
S/N: * hugs tightly *

Stanley decides to wait for a bit so he can enjoy the love and affection this new narrator has been showing him.
The original narrator had barely shown stanley any affection or signs that he ever cared, but this version made stanley feel weird.. in a good way!

stanley knew that something had to be done.
he told the narrator to sit down while he did his job.

of course the lovebug version did everything and anything stanley would say.

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