A New Job

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In the car..

Stanley: ufffff im bored.
can i play music?

Narrator: sure.

Stanley: what song do u want me to play?

Narrator: you can choose

Stanley: i dunno that many songs
*def a lie dude.*

Narrator: i used to listen to dancing queen by abba alot.

Stanley: ill play that then.

Stanley connects to the car and plays Dancing Queen by ABBA

Stanley: im still bored tho, when will we be there?

Narrator: in like 20 minutes?

Stanley: fuuckkkk

Narrator: why?

Stanley: you know how fuckin impatient i am narry..

Narrator: well, why dont you take a nap?

Stanley: i cant

Narrator: wh-?

Stanley: ** chugs the rest of the coffee **
too energized.

Narrator: sometimes you can be a bit pf a handful.

Stanley: * 3:< *

Narrator: nawrrrr- i didnt mean it like that your just a bit of a to take care of.

Stanley: * 3.;< *

Stanley faked being mad.. very badly. But The Narrator knew Stanley couldnt stay mad for the rest of the drive

Stanley: whats the job about?

Narrator: we get to explore old houses and cover murder cases!

Stanley: really?!

Narrator: no. but we do get to go to an office building just like your last job

That is the end of the story because i no longer have the motivation to continue this specific one. although i will make more based off of The Stanley Parable soon.

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