Chapter 1

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I walked into the museum from the water through a horde of infected that were outside houses. I was heading upstairs to rest for an hour or so when I heard clickers up there. I raced up seeing 2 people fighting two clickers each and so I helped them with them.

"Who are you and what do you want?" The guy asked me with a rifle pointed at me. "Someone who can help. I know these streets after two years of being in them. Just put your weapons down." I said about what I know. "Turn around. We need to check for visible wounds on you." The older woman said about wounds.

I turned around and they backed up as the guy pulled the girl behind him. "You're bit." The woman growled as she continued to point her weapon at me. "She hasn't changed yet. Look, she hasn't changed. She could be immune to the Cordyceps, so she has something helping her to fight it." The girl stated about me changing into an infected. "Where are you from?" The guy asked me as the woman looked at him. "Joel, we need to kill her, right here, right now." The woman said to the guy. "No, Tess, she helped save us from the clickers. We need to help her in return." Joel said to Tess about me. "Fine but if she betrays us it's on you." Tess said as she walked away to get on the roof. Joel motioned me to follow them to the roof.

"So where are you from?" The kid asked as she referred back to Joel's question. "Canada. I'm heading to Cuba before making my way to where each of my sisters wanted to go." I said as I mentioned my family. "What happened to them? If I can ask!" Joel asked about them. "Dead, killed by the dolphins as we called them. I was the only one to survive the initial outbreak. Turns out a deleted gene or two helped out better than we knew. My older sister was the one who bit me but I was forced to kill her. Not the best ending to our sisterly relationship." I said about what happened. "Sorry, I didn't..." Joel said but I cut him off.

"Yeah I know. You don't know what happened to them. I guess there's a reason why I walk a path knowing I won't be greeted back into quarantine areas. Spent two years living in these streets that I started to see my sisters in the infected than in other uninfected people." I said everything. "We saw you walking through that horde of infected earlier that were outside the houses." The girl said about my route. "They don't bother me much. I think they think I'm one of them already so they don't attack me. Helps when I'm traveling through places full of them. Like the sewers." I said about the infected and the places they'll be. The woman, Tess, glares at me when I sit close to the edge of the roof. "So, what do you and your fellow countrymen call the infected?" Joel asked me about the infected.

"Few things. When first started, there were the sprinters or better known as runners. After 2-3 years, dolphins, bats or now clickers. After 20+ years, brusters or bloaters because well they bloat before bursting. After that, they would become human-size shrooms that send spores out across the area large enough to get uninfected people. Other than that, people who are immune get by pretty well. It's how I've survived getting past the infected." I said about everything I learned of the infected. "It's possible to get past them. How?" Tess asked about getting past. "By smelling like them. I got hundreds of recordings of each group. If I step on one infected, a small group comes running but stops when they hear a bloater nearby. But other than that, I stay quiet. Guess it works with my middle name." I said about my own research.

"How did you get past the patrols and fireflies?" Joel asked about the two groups. "What patrols and fireflies?" I asked confused. "One group protects the quarantine zone and the other wants to help everyone get a vaccine. But the two groups are against each other for their morals." The kid said about the two groups. "Have you ever been in the quarantine zones?" Tess asked about the areas. "No. I've seen the quarantine areas when I pass them but I don't go in. I guess I've been so focused on getting where I need to be that I stay away from any human contact since now. I've also seen some random groups along the way but that's when I'm hiding out for a rest." I said about what I honestly knew of the groups.

"How long have you been away from people?" Joel asked about being away from people. "Since I was 13-14. I knew what to do because of video games and zombie movies. I left my entire life behind the day my family was killed. I stayed away from major highways and roads, stayed close to buildings where the infected are, hunted at dusk and dawn, took a nap where I could and when I could, and kept my head down when passing by the areas with people with guns. When an amazing survivalist is close, I hop the fence and hide out in one of the houses in the area. It worked so far for me. But when I'm not doing that, I smuggle a few things for people over the radio to find. In return they make sure no one knows I even exist." I said about my life from 13-14. "Oh god." Tess said as she might have killed a teen if I was teenager.

"Who do you smuggle for? Occasionally!" The kid asked about the smuggling job. "Anyone who needs anything I could give. From drugs to fresh meat. But there's an occasional odd thing here and there. Someone called over the radio to me about a kid that needed to be smuggled to somewhere else. Didn't answer it through because well, I don't smuggle kids out of quarantine areas." I said about my job. "You mean me! The leader of the fireflies said someone wouldn't answer them for a smuggling job. But she said the person knew how to get past people and infected better than anyone she knows. Said she met the person once, outside the Quarantine Zone by the river and that the person came from the tunnels. Also said that the person called themselves Freya." The kid said about the leader of the fireflies. "Must have been me then because that's the only time someone wanted to meet in person." I said about me being the person.

"You go through the tunnels. How far do you come in between the few Boston quarantine zones?" Joel asked about the tunnels and quarantine zones. "The few high rises that I can scope out the quarantine areas in Boston from a distance without getting caught. People don't look up but out in a left to right pattern. I heard over the radio yesterday that a couple of kids somewhere else had done something. But I don't know what they did. Some weeks ago, I got some metal supplies for some survivalists in a fenced off neighborhood." I said about the highrises and the radio.

"Frank and Bill. You know Frank and Bill?" Tess asked shocked that I knew them. "No, they didn't tell me their names, just said that another smuggler suggested some adjustments to their fences. I got them the stuff and left it on the other side of their fence to get it safely." I said about them and their supply calls. "I suggested that. Tess and I didn't know there were other smugglers around helping people." Joel said about being the one who suggested the adjustment and not knowing of other smugglers.

"That's because no one knows how well of a smuggler I am. If you guys need help anywhere I could help. But I don't do firefly or military stuff." I said about being a smuggler and the two groups. "We're heading to the capitol building to drop Ellie off to the other group of fireflies." Tess said about the capitol building. "Going there. Trust me when I say this, only idiots go there and get killed by the infected. I saw the group of fireflies and I can fully say that they did not check their six." I said about the group and the capitol building. Tess and Joel looked at each other in confusion until looking back at me.

"Oh, I was passing by when I heard gunshots going off. Thought they saw something but it turns out they were just fighting themselves as they shot over their heads." I said about the group firing shots off. "Can you take us there?" Joel asked about taking them there. "Yeah, that's going to be a hard no." I said about going back there. "Why not? You could get paid for it. In person this time." Tess said about getting paid.

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