Chapter 2: Sarah

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It was their third day hiking through the hills. By now, they both should have been sore and worn to the bone. However, it seemed the Pocket Dimension fed them energy through the very air itself. No matter how long they walked or how many hills they climbed, it seemed the endless landscape didn't cause even a drop of strain on their bodies.

Sarah marveled at the trees that climbed into the sky around them, her mind drifting to how it would be to mix the colors to capture their coppery bark on canvas. This particular part of the forest seemed to hold a much more hushed and soothing atmosphere than the one they had entered into. Moss covered most rocks and fallen logs and the drooping ferns were the only foliage that covered the lichen-carpeted earth.

It was as if the forest itself could sense the anxiety that had been building within Sarah over their search. She squashed those thoughts down, not wanting her fears to plague her companion who hiked a few feet ahead of her.

"Hurry it up, slowpoke!" John called over his shoulder, an easy smile settled on his face. As if he could walk forever and never be sick of it.

To Sarah, John had always been like that. Easygoing and ready to take on whatever dared challenge his incredible knowledge. Not that he was a know it all by any means. John had this determination that seemed to carry him through any task. If he knew how to do it, great. If he didn't, Sarah wouldn't bet against him figuring it out and mastering it. It was that sheer will that had led to them becoming friends back in their world.

It was easy to match the smile on her face as she quickened her pace to catch up, his smile soothing her nerves slightly. They would find the portal. They weren't trapped. Like the conversation they had had the night before, seated around the newly conjured campfire, they theorized with veiled worry that the portal must migrate through this enchanted world.

"Excuse me, I was busy appreciating the scenery before you rudely interrupted," Sarah said, mock irritation lacing her voice despite the smile that paired it. "When do you want to settle for the night?"

John turned a thoughtful gaze to the pieces of sky that broke through the canopy above and Sarah could practically see the calculations that brewed there. For years the two of them had frequented the trails and campsites near and far from the little town they both lived in. Watching the sun or stars had become second nature to them to the point that neither reached for a clock or compass most of the time. From what they had been able to tell, the sun and stars here, however bright the varying twinkles glowed within their swirling amethyst sea, seemed to match their own back home.

"Well, we could probably keep going for a while longer before we run out of daylight, but I honestly am looking forward to snoozing under these trees. They're absolutely magnificent, aren't they? Like sequoias but somehow so unlike them. I can't place my finger on it." John's eyes traced the riveting bark of one of the nearby wooden giants as he spoke, curiosity dripping from the words.

"Like a forest of sentinels." Sarah agreed, nodding and noting how his mind seemed to turn in the same tune as her own. Often she wondered if he noticed how in tune they seemed to be.

"You know, you are terrible at hiding your thinking face. Poker would be your undoing." John's chuckle was teasing but not cruel as poked her gently in the ribs. Sarah batted his hand away with equal gentleness, laughing at the tease.

"Oh hush, it's not like yours is any better. You've been eye-raping these trees for an hour at least." She countered as they came to the edge of a little creek. Water gurgled between moss-covered rocks that sat warmed by the sun in the canopy break. The ethereal stars shone above, leaving glints on the water like the souls of ancient aquatic creatures dancing with the current. Overall it was breathtaking, like most things in this realm.

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