Chapter 3: John

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As the daylight faded away, slowly as John sat atop the log nearest the fire. His left leg rested crossed atop his right, hands full with a knife and pencil. His dark brown horse leather-bound journal with the words "Adventures and Stuff" burned into the cover. The razor-sharp drop point blade shimmered in the light of the fire. The engraved words "Until The End" are engraved into the right face. Sarah had gifted him with it on his first birthday after he saved her from the darkness. He made a promise to her that day that he would protect her until the end, no matter what may come between them.

They've been close with one another since then. Nothing seemed to bother them to talk about. Everything from the new boy she met on tinder to her raging periods, or the weird mole on his foot to the hemorrhoids on his ass. Nothing seemed to bother them to talk about. John felt at home when not only listening and helping Sarah with any problems she had in her day to day life. He also had never felt as comfortable with letting anyone in past his emotional walls. Sarah seemed to be an exception. He was comfortable with her. John had never imagined being able to share emotion to anyone. Let alone someone of the opposite sex.

John viewed Sarah as family, like the sibling he always wanted but never got the chance to have; However, he has always had deeper feelings for her. Suppressing these feelings daily, he values their time together. He keeps track and logs of all of their adventures. Though it seemed this journey may take the rest of his journal. With several strokes of his blade across the mustard yellow cracking wood and graphite core, he brought the tip of the pencil to a fresh point. Folding the knife and returning it to its resting place clipped into his pocket. John picked up his journal, flipped to his last marked page, looked over to Sarah, resting under her blanket, sighed softly with a smile and began to write.


"Day Three:
Ever since we walked through that portal if we can even call it that, I've felt a closer bond to Sarah. With us seemingly being the only two to be on this world, I wonder what we may find. This place doesn't seem to be dangerous. It's as though whatever we wish to reality, appears out of thin air.

Fatigue doesn't seem to come upon me quickly here as it would back home. I can stay moving longer. But with the day light being similar to that of home, it may be best we keep sleeping the night away.

Sarah's beauty seems to shine far greater. Or at least, her physical appearance here seems to be more prominent than I have ever seen her before. She truly is wonderful. With her long brown hair, cute face, I'll be it, gorgeous breasts. I wonder how they would feel in my hands. How the warmth of holding her close at night would feel. Her ass pressing against me. I would give anything to know what her lips would feel like pressed against mine.

She's asleep now, I don't want to wake her. But the way she was looking at me when I was in the water earlier, makes me wonder just what might come of this adventure. Maybe I'll swing my shot soon enough. Maybe I'll find that perfect moment and finally kiss her ... it's not like I haven't backed out of it already. I'm a pretty big wuss when it comes to expressing my feelings to someone. I've been in love with her since the first day we met."

John began to draw Sarah as she lay, capturing her beauty on the next page:

John began to draw Sarah as she lay, capturing her beauty on the next page:

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