Chapter 13(The Another side of Kuroko)

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*After a while Kuroko and the two are finally arrived

"Hinata, here is your ice cream😊" Kuroko said

"Thank you Kuroko senpai- *gasp* you even choose my favorite flavor🤩" Hinata said

"*giggle* ok then, enjoy your ice cream, and I need some rest" Kuroko said

"Ok then, rest well!" Hinata said

*Kuroko look at Kuroo

"Tetsuro... I need a moment..."
Kuroko said with a cold tone

"......." Kuroo remained silent

*Kuroko on his way to the out side of the gym and Kuroo followed him

"Are you Ok Tetsu?..." Kuroo said

"*Sigh*" Kuroko let out a loud sigh

"Do you think I look like Ok?..." Kuroko said looking at Kuroo

"......" Kuroo remained silent

"After two years of pain that I finally moved on and now... They were just saying sorry after what they did!!??"
Kuroko said with angry expresion

"Tetsu, calm down its dangerous if your not let your emotions down you eye will-" Kuroo said but he was cut off

"Calm down? Calm down!? IM SO SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN HUH!?" Kuroko said let out his anger

*Kuroko let out his anger after seeing them and remembering of what they did to him and he couldn't forget it

*Kuroo notice something that he see this once but it was hard to calm him down

"Oh no...😧" Kuroo saw his 2 eyes

*It was a red wine color eye that Kuroko couldn't control it since the day he was betray

*Kuroko got this since the day he was betray, because of so much anger and sadness the GOM didn't know that they created a monster, and that is Kuroko

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*Kuroko got this since the day he was betray, because of so much anger and sadness the GOM didn't know that they created a monster, and that is Kuroko



"I want to torture, and kill them... do you know what I mean you low life human" Kuroko said

*Kuroo thinking that this is not Kuroko anymore he know, and it was other Kuroko

"Ah-" Kuroo knock him out

*Kuroko was about to fall but Kuroo catch him

"Im sorry Tetsu... this is the only way to calm you down..." Kuroo said with a sad tone

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