Hailee Finds Out The Truth About Your Past - Pt3

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It was now that they had to talk about everything...

3rd person

They both stayed quiet, both not knowing what to say and Yn's eyes, we're still glued to the ground.

While Hailee's were glued to Yn's side profile, as she wasn't looking at Hailee but eventually, Hailee was the first one to break the silence.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She questioned, she knew the answer but Yn needed to open up more

"I-uh, I don't know- I just-" Yn was stumbling all over her words

"Hey, hey take your time, we can take as long as you need" Hailee said while lifting her hand, to Yn's back and tracing shapes, as she knows it helps calm her

Yn took a deep breath before starting to speak again "I guess, I didn't know how to say it.."

"Baby.. you know you can talk to me about anything" Hailee reassured her

"No I can't Haiz.. not this, I only ever told my mom and dad, which is, who I'm guessing told you, or at least one of them did" Yn said finally meeting Hailee's eyes

"Yeah.. it was your mom" Hailee sighed out, staring into Yn's now dark coloured pupils

Yn was about to say something but stopped herself, she didn't want Hailee to take whatever she was going to say, the wrong way, which Hailee caught onto.

"You can say it, I know you wanna say something" she whispered in a calming voice to Yn

"I love her.. loved her, like I love you" Yn admitted to her fiancée

"I know you did baby, I wouldn't be mad if you still do.. I mean you didn't break up or anything but you got forced to let go of her which I know you haven't done yet" Hailee said

Yn's eyes, still glued to Hailee's were now on the edge of tears, as more memories of Isabelle came surfing, she let the tears fall as she closed her eyes.

Hailee brought her hand up to wipe Yn's tears, while staring at her closed eyes.

Yn looked away, turning her head back to the floor and opened her eyes, vision blurry and eyes slightly red.

It had all gone silent, the only thing that filled the room were both Hailee and Yn's shallow breaths, and Martini and Brando's little steps around the house, outside the door.

But this time Yn broke the silence.

"When we got to the hospital.. we were happy, she was scared but also happy, we got to the delivery room and everything was going great.. they said she was already 9cm dialated so she could start pushing if she wanted and she did.." Yn expressed, still gazing at the floor with her arms rested on her knees

Hailee was happy that Yn was opening up to her, she can only imagine going through that, but she was also heartbroken of what Yn has been through.

Most of all she basically, suffered through all of it alone, she suppressed the memories and bottled it up.

And now she is scared she will also lose Hailee, if they start trying for a baby, Yn has the same nightmare that haunts her every day and every night.

Seeing the two lifeless bodies of the woman who once gave her life, and the little girl who was just about to start hers.

"I knew something was wrong when she was pushing, her breathing just.. it wasn't right y'know, and her heart rate was up higher than normal, but the doctors and nurses said it was fine..

And well, they're qualified so of course I thought she was fine, but as soon as our baby came out-" Yn was starting to get choked up, at the feeling of almost reliving the memory

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