Chapter 7: Me and My Girls

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"Do you have a minute to talk?" you asked as you juggled your phone and tried to fold laundry at the same time.

Alyson sighed on the other end, "I think I liked it better when we texted."

"This is because you couldn't trust that it was really me, remember?" You held up a shirt and decided it was your brother's. "Besides it's faster for me to do this."

"Household chores?" she asked.

"How is it that you have your own apartment and still have disgust in your voice when asking me about doing chores?" you asked.

Aly chuckled on the other end of the line. "I'll have you know my apartment is so clean."

"You've not been home much. How's Keiko doing then?"

"He's just fine," she replied. "We cuddled for like 12 hours it was great."

"So, stake outs again. What cases are you doing now?" you asked.

"If I told you I'd have to kill you," she replied. "Also, it's my day off and I'd give anything to not think about work."

You perked up at that. "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Would you want to go see a movie with me?"

"We should invite Amanda," Alyson replied.

You still had hopes for the horror movie, but agreed with her. It would be good for the three of you to get together. Especially since you were wondering how things went with Mr. Taehyung. Unfortunately, this meant admitting that you had no idea what was playing.

"Don't worry we'll figure it out. Amanda's free by the way," Alyson informed you.

You snorted. "Yeah, that's because it's Saturday."

"Bossy much," Aly replied but you could hear the smile in her voice. "I'm glad. It reminds me of the real you."

You rolled your eyes, "Thanks for letting me know I've been an imposter. I shall report back to my leader immediately."

"You know what I mean," she replied. "It's nice."

You knew it was even if every day still felt like you were going to wake up in the same bed as him. Even if it meant feeling phantom pains from scars that had long since healed. It was nice to feel like you were back in your skin. You knew though that this was going to continue to be a long process.

"So what time are we meeting up?" you asked.

"As soon as you're free," she replied.

You pulled into the parking lot of Starbucks and saw your two friends chatting away. Amanda's chestnut hair seemed longer than the last time you paid attention. Was it really only two weeks ago you'd spoken to her? She was wearing a floral lilac t-shirt and jean capri's. Her green jacket was on the back on her chair with her purse. Alyson's hair was straight so whatever she was doing at work required some lying on her part. She was wearing a black t-shirt with ripped jeans.

"Sorry, guys," you apologized as you sat down next to them.

"No worries," Amanda quickly replied. "We went on ahead and ordered for you."

You knew about that because Alyson texted you to make sure it was okay before she did it. Unlike that asshole, she actually cared if you wanted to order and what you wanted to order. You grabbed the straw and jabbed it into the lid taking your first sip of your strawberry refresher with lemonade. Heaven.

"Thanks guys," you said. "I can pay you back."

Alyson shrugged. "It's on the friendship tab."

"Is that still ongoing?" you asked.

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