Chapter 41: Buzzkill

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Cold. So. Cold. Red hair. That was what swam into focus first. Alyson's wild hair as she whipped it back to give an officer a piece of her mind. What she was saying, you couldn't hear over the roar of your heartbeat and the ringing in your ears. The flashing red and blue lights were a little distracting.

A familiar figure swept up and restrained her from behind. You were amazed that she had the strength to lash out. Your lungs burned even as the oxygen seeped in to counteract the smoke you had inhaled.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Alyson screamed.

If it wasn't for the sea of red and blue lights, you would have thought her scream would have resulted in someone calling the police. You took another thankful gulp of oxygen trying to sort through your thoughts. You were pretty sure that Chandan had somehow weaseled his way into the office and had caressed your cheek.

"I'll be back for you, sweetheart," he'd promised, but you weren't certain he had actually done that before the fire department had arrived.

Mr. Jersey had personally fished you out of the fire and had informed you that Jungkook would have killed him if anything happened to you. He also noted that it was reckless of you both to pile everything in front of the door in a space that had no windows. But, he also didn't hold it against you. He was the one in between Aly and the other officer.

"What else was I supposed to do?" she demanded. "Huh? I protected the witness."

The concrete was cold underneath you, seeping into your borrowed sweatpants and onto your skin. Even with the thin blanket sheltering you from some of the wind, it wasn't much. You were so cold. You couldn't remember the last time you'd been this cold. You supposed that had to do with the shock you were in. Chandan was definitely in town.

"You should've followed the damn protocol," growled the antagonistic officer.

You could remember Alyson's desperate voice as she had called the fire department herself. You knew it took a lot to make Alyson cry and you had started praying yourself hoping for your next life as a cow. Surely, you had earned it by now. But alas, you had made it out.

Aly snapped, crowding into Mr. Jersey's space. "What fucking protocol is there for when a possibly armed suspect breaks into a fucking gas station and sets it ablaze? I'm on vacation, Harlow! I don't carry a fucking weapon on me." She tilted her head in a way that made you slightly sympathetic for the person on the other end of her wrath. She was about to unload on the poor guy. "In fact, my weapons were all fucking stolen. Which you should know since you specialize in B&E's. And as a fellow officer of the law," she was craning her head to be seen over Namjoon's shoulder, "I thought that you would be looking into getting my personal items returned ASAP. I know where the fucking fire department was. The question is where were you?"

Officer Harlow looked alarmed. Apparently, no one had informed him that Alyson's apartment had been broken into. You weren't surprised that Chandan had stolen those things from her. You were also certain that he'd ransacked her lingerie collection because you were the same size as her. That had to be humiliating to report your bras as stolen.

She turned her focus to Mr. Jersey, "And you, motherfucker, want to talk about a fucking escape plan. He trashed my baby!"

You forced your heavy head to turn to look at the shattered glass that glittered on the asphalt. All four tires were slashed. You were certain that there wasn't any intact glass on the vehicle. The poor mustang had definitely seen better days and you knew Alyson couldn't just replace her. Wouldn't replace her.

Alyson took a deep breath to presumably launch into yet another tirade, but doubled over in a coughing fit. Mr. Jersey gently led her over to the ambulance and placed an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. His mouth moved, but you couldn't make out what he was saying to her.

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