Movies & Mantell Mix

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"You must learn to tune out distractions, my padawan. Assume your position."

Shima nodded to her master. She put her hands firmly on the ground and lifted her legs doing a handstand.

"Very good. Now, use the Force and stack the crates." Shaak Ti instructed.

Shima carefully lifted a hand carefully and used the Force to lift up a crate that wasn't large in size but would require a few clones to lift.

Wrecker cheered for her. "You got this, Bright Eyes!"

"You're doing great, commander!" Fives yelled.

The padawan had her usual spectators watching from the sidelines, though they grew in numbers much to Tech's displeasure. After the two cycles were over, both groups were better acquainted with one another. Well, most of the time when Shima had to be the voice of reason so they weren't at each other's throats. So when the Domino Squad had begun to spectate with the Bad Batch, Tech wasn't pleased that Shima had gained a few admirers. Fives being the one most open about it. Though she never gave him the time of day to his obvious attempts at flirting with her, his confidence had depleted greatly that he can't voice his encouragement to her when she was training.

"Boys." Shaak Ti looked to the clones. They all stood up at attention to the general. "I need you all to surround Shima and try your best to distract her."

"Uh, are you sure we should do that, general?" Hunter asked with hesitation. "Shouldn't she be trying to focus without us getting in the way?"

"All padawans must learn to tune out distractions. Now, Fives was it?" Shaak Ti turned to Fives. "I heard that you are quite the 'singer'."

Fives beamed at the Togruta. "The best on Kamino, general."

"Good, then why don't you sing a song?" She asked.

"Oh maker no..."

"Please no!"

"Anything but that!"

"That's an order, cadet." She said firmly.

"Yes, Sir." Fives saluted and begun singing his heart out. His brothers and the general winced at his singing. The only person who wasn't affected by it was the padawan who continued to focus on stacking the crates.

"Doesn't look like she's budging." Cutup said.

"Indeed." She turned her head to Wrecker. "Wrecker, would you please try telling Shima what foods you love most?"

Wrecker's eyes lit up. "Oh that I can do!" He came up to Shima and began to list off the foods he loved the most. But even that wasn't enough to make her waver.

Crosshair shook his head and a smug grin appeared on his face. He whispered to Hunter who listened to what he had to say and he smirked. "General, I have a suggestion. Would you like to hear it?"

"Proceed." She said and Hunter leaned down to whisper into her ear. Her eyes widened in surprise and she looked at Tech who was watching Shima with fascination. "Tech."

The goggled clone straightened himself out. "Yes, General?"

"I'd like for you to speak to Shima and give her a few words of encouragement."

"Excuse me?" Tech asked and looked at Shima who was still focused on the task at hand. "I'd hate to break her concentration."

Hunter slapped Tech on the back. "Now, Tech. The general wasn't asking you, she's telling you to get over there and talk to the commander. You wouldn't want to go against the general's order would you?"

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