Training & Tattoos

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The blaring of an alarm clock woke Shima up the next morning. She turned it off and got up getting ready. As she sat down eating a light breakfast, she looked out the window hearing the thunder roar and lightning flashing with rain pouring from the dark clouds. She had wondered if there would ever be a day where it wouldn't rain on Kamino and maybe the people wouldn't be stuck indoors. After finishing her breakfast, she placed her dishes in the sink and left her room. She wasn't outside for a few seconds and she saw many clones up starting their day. The woman walked through the long halls and corridors looking for Saber, but she found no trace of him.

However, she managed to find 99 and waved to him. "Aniki, good morning."

"Good morning, Shima. What are you doing up?" He asked, limping over to her.

"Well, I didn't want to stay in my room so I figured I'd find Saber." She said.

"Saber?" The elder clone looked at her confused and he raised a finger. "He's been called into an important meeting with the prime minister, and you know how long those type of meetings run for hours."

"I see." She said. "Are you doing anything at the moment?"

His eyes lit up. "I was on my way to go watch the Bad Batch train. Would you like to come?"

"Is that alright?" She asked.

With a wave of his hand, he said, "Oh, it'll be alright. They always watch you train, so why not watch them for a change? I'm sure when they see you then they'll want to impress you."

She rested a hand on her chin and she smiled. "Lead the way Aniki."

99 took her a small training center that wasn't too far from the one she normally trained in, but this one was more secluded and the halls were practically empty. When they entered through the doors, she immediately saw the Bad Batch about to start a battle simulation with droids. Shima had seen many of the clone cadets go through the Citadel Challenge to see if they were ready to be sent into battle. However, she was surprised to see them donning clone armor. They looked much more buffer with them on, especially Tech. Shima couldn't help but think he looked quite handsome. Though, the color white didn't seem to suit him or his brothers at all.

When they sat down on a nearby bench, the first to see them was Wrecker. His face broke out into a big smile and he nudged his brothers. "Look who's here!" The three other Bad Batchers looked seeing 99 and Shima. Though 99 always came to watch them train, but they were surprised to see Shima there. Tech's body stiffened. Normally before a simulation, he was the more composed. But now that Shima was there to see them train, he felt a bit pressured. Hunter nudged Tech in the ribs, "Looks like we've got to impress the commander, right Tech?"

"R-right..." He used a finger to adjust his goggles.

"Let's get this over with." Crosshair said slightly annoyed.

The simulation began and immediately the battle droids began firing at the Bad Batch and Shima had wondered what they would do. If it were a real battle then precision, accuracy and strategic planning were required to complete a mission. But her eyes widened when she watched the Bad Batch advanced with a frontal assault right off the bat taking out the battle droids. She had been in the battle of Geonosis fighting alongside Master Windu and they both directed the troopers with planned strategies. Hunter gave a hand signal to his brothers and they all went in different directions.

Hunter maneuvered his body downward and skillfully evaded the blasts. One of the droids were confused, then it was sliced down by the leader's vibroblade. None of the droids even surveyed the room to see Crosshair, who had already hopped on to a vantage point with plenty of cover to take out a few droids with accurate hits. The droids littered flat on ground.

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