The First Attack

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"Woah,so you're...a kwami ?"

"Yes,a kwami",repeats Plagg in a grumpy voice. "You have some cheese ?"

"Huh ??"

"Ughh,I'm hungry,is there some cheese ?" repeats an annoyed Plagg."

"Uhh,no." responds Adrien.


"And..What am I supposed to do with you ? You'll grant me powers ? Or you're genie like the lamp one ?"

"Nooo",denies Plagg. "I grant you the power of destruction,to transform,you have to say,"Plagg,claws out". To detransform,you have to say "Plagg,claws in".

A light of hope shines in Adrien s'lifeless eyes.

"So...that means I can do whatever I want ?"

"Uhh...Yeah,I guess so".

Without further ado,Adrien gets up and shouts : "Plagg,claws out !"

"Heyyyy ! I didn't explain everything !!!" shouts Plagg.


"Nathalie,is the plan ready ?"


"Great. Now..I just have to start the first part of it. Soon,Paris,and even France, will be full of terrorists and victims ! I will finally get power to get revenge on these..scumbags."

Richard enters a vast room with his secretary,Nathalie and stares at a painting of his deceased wife,Emilie. He puts two of his fingers on a specific part of the painting and pushes the buttons. He immediately goes down the basement in a modern elevator,joined by her,and enters his lair. A giant colored butterfly mosaic decorates the front wall.

Richard then removes his tie and shouts : "Nooroo,Dark Wings Rise !"

"Now,my dear Paririans,prepare for your destiny,in the hands of Hawkmoth!"

He laughs hysterically as he takes a white butterfly and puts it between his palms. A few seconds later,it flies out as a dark and sinister purple butterfly,an Akuma."

"I am ready to get akumatised,sir",says Nathalie.

"Great now."

The akuma goes straight towards her and enters in her tablet."

"Glitcher,I am Hawkmoth. I give you the power to control anyone's codings and files as if they were in your tablet once you take a picture of them.
Do you accept this power ?"

"Yes,Hawkmoth",she confirms,with a grinning evil face,as a dark purple aura covers her entirely,transforming her into a villain.


"Woohooooo !! I can do whatever I want !!" says Cat Noir,as he's having the time of his life,jumping on building,pulling pranks,having fun. But,as he tried to use his staff to jump much longer,he failed,and was going to crash into somewhere..

In the meantime,a confused blue-haired teenager was trying to process what did just happen.

However,as she spotted her reflection in a shop window glass,she stopped,admired her outfit and..didn't pay attention at what was behind her.

BOOM ! Cat Noir crashed into Marinette,as they both screamed wondering what in the world did just happen.

"Ouch..hehe..sorry,"apologizes Cat Noir.

"Yeah's fine..I'm used to it",she tries to reassure him.

"By the way,what's your name ?" he asks.

"It's M.."she starts as she tries to remove her stuck yo-yo from Cat Noir's staff. "M..,ugh.." "M..-"

"Ouch ! Hey !" yells Cat Noir,as the yo-yo falls on his head.

"Oops I'm sorry",she says. My name is Misfortune. Yes,Misfortune."

"Oh,so hello,Misfortune",he jokes. "Hmm,"he mumbles as he leans on his staff. "I think Ladybug would suit you more,don't you think ?"

"Yeah,"she approves.

Suddenly,they both hear a loud scream,and rush to the area. Here,they stopped in shock,staring at a horrific spectacle coming straight out of a horror movie ! People running,others disappearing,escaping,as a tall woman snaps people out of existence and has fun either doing other things such as making objects fall on people or making things disappear.

"Hey ! What do you think you're doing ?!" yells Cat Noir.

"Having fun,heh",responds the mysterious lady.

Cat Noir hits her with his staff,as she loses control of herself and her tablets falls. Unfortunately,she quickly regains her posture,and snatches out the tablets from Cat Noir s'arms. But Ladybug joins the fight as her magical yo-yo unfolds and hits the target. Soon,people start to watch over their buildings and from the surroundings,as the networks share the "disaster" which hit Paris.

As the fight continues,Ladybug suddenly remembers what Tikki told her about the Lucky Charm.
She throws her yo-yo in the air and shouts : "Lucky Charm !"as a mysterious object falls in her hands. She surprisingly finds nothing,shocked. She stares at her surroundings,trying to use her "Lucky Intuition" to try to find a solution. But she continues seeing only Cat Noir over and over again. Confused,she doesn't now how Cat Noir could be related to the answer,but she soon understands and shouts :

"Cat Noir ! Your Cataclysm!"

"Huh ?!" he blurts out,but soon he understands the message,and shouts;"Cataclysm!" his hand is charged with dark black energy as he tries to destroy the tablet. But unfortunately,Glitcher suddenly starts flying ! Confused,everyone stares at her,not realizing she took a selfie and coded new powers for herself.

She flies up and up until she arrives to the space. Here,she asks ironically :

"What will happen if I glitch the entire world ?"

As she takes a picture of the globe,she wonders what type of glitch she could do with it.

But as she scrolling down her tablet,a specific button draws her attention. She reads it one time,two,three,as the word continues turning everywhere in her head.


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