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Aurelia's POV:

"We need Hades' ember" Mal said through toothless gums.
"The Isle"
Aurelia panicked at the thought of going back to the Isle. She knew what happened when she went there.

She'd only just come to Auradon! Suffered for years, on the Isle with Uma, and yet she was having to go back already?!

See, due to her father, the White Rabbit's, affiliation with the Queen of Hearts, she was cursed, and her human appearance wasn't permanent. Once on the Isle, she would sprout snow-white bunny ears and a pom-pom tail. However, this time it was worse. She'd protected herself too many times, and now she wouldn't be able to put it back to normal after this visit. Far-fetched? Yes. But sadly also true. And nobody knew her secret, except Evie and Jay, the only people she could talk to. Aurelia has selective mutism, and she can only talk to a few people she trusts, such as Jay and Evie. To everyone else, she was silent, and most of them had never heard her voice.


Once Aurelia and Evie had finally been reunited with the rest of the group, they headed to the barrier in celebration. They'd retrieved the ember as needed, and were ready to return. Safe to say some of the group were surprised by her appearance, but certainly not negatively. Jay had assured her that she looked 'cute'.

Just when they got to the barrier; three pirates awaited them. Uma, and Gil were the two that Aurelia recognised. The third was a dashing boy, adorned in red and black leather, with swishy brown hair and a hook for a hand.

"Hello, jest come for a wee visit..." Harry said in his devilish accent, stepping closer to Aurelia.
"Who's this little bunny?" A smirk tugged on the corner of his lips, as he placed his hook under her chin, tipping her head up towards him, but her sparkling, innocent brown eyes avoided his gaze.

She was quite beautiful, her hair falling in elegant white waves at her back, her face dotted with white freckles like stars in the night sky. Her figure was slim, but had defining curves, and overall very small and dainty. Harry couldn't help being intrigued.

"Get away from her" Jay growled, pushing Harry back.
"Oooh-" Harry raised an eyebrow at Jay, glancing back at Aurelia before standing back with Uma and Gil.

"You would never guess what I found out there , boys. There's this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut, and fish so big you can dance on their backs" Uma said, and turned to Mal. "And they've been keeping them all for themselves"

"Please Uma, I need that ember to break a spell cast by Audrey" Mal pleaded.
"Hmm, so the good guy's the...bad guy?" She laughed. "Well I might not give it back... see what happens"

"Uma it's not the time for games! People's lives are in danger!"
"Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to can get off this island" said Uma, twirling the blue crystal in her fingers.
"I can't do that."
"Can't do that? How about now-" she dangled it over the sea.
"DEAL!... deal" Uma raised an eyebrow, "I'll still keep this... for the time being. Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates"

-timeskip to when they're at Auradon-

"I believe I deserve some compensation for my muscles, my wile, and my... role in this endeavour" Harry said, plucking some notes from a sleeping boy's wallet. Aurelia stood on her tiptoes, and snatched the money out of his hand, putting it back. A teasing smile was on his face, staring down at her for a moment before Jay captured his attention.
"You do. Me not squashing you like a bug" said Jay, before turning back to Aurelia. "Everything ok, Aurelia?" She nodded.

"Aurelia, eh? What a little darling-" Harry said, running his hook through her knotless hair.


"I caught a scent, very pungent cologne, easy to track" Dude said, taking great comfort in being carried around by Aurelia. Harry was trailing closely after her, a little closer than the rest of the group.
"That's great, Dude" said Carlos.
"FYI, I give great cuddles too" Dude's tail wagged as Aurelia whispered, "you sure do", a smile crawling across her lips.


We filed into the armoury, Uma and Mal bickering at the front of the group. Suddenly, the suits of armour began clinking and heaving, moving.

"You like a prince, Mal? How about a knight in shining armour?" Came Audrey's voice from one of the suits. They all began moving in unison.

Celia and Dude were at the door. Jay grabbed Aurelia's arm, dragging her behind him protectively. He'd always looked after Aurelia, and would continue to do so. Oh, how in love with her he was. But she was so blind to it.

Aurelia grabbed a sword, and was quick to begin battling with one of the suits of armour.
As the battle went on, she lost control for a fraction of a second, giving the knight the upper hand, and pushing her to the floor. Despite her valiant efforts, she'd been cornered. That was, until someone sliced the knight in half from behind, letting her escape. It was Harry.

She thanked him silently, and he replied roughly,"Don't mention it, little bunny" and winked at her, causing her cheeks to heat up a little.


"How about... an icebreaker? You say one thing you really like about the other person. I'll go first. Harry, great accent." He looked a little confused, before pointing his hook at Aurelia.
"Little bunny" She gulped nervously, her cheeks threatening to display the same blush from before. "Cute ears" There it was. Her eyes darted down, burning into her shoes. She was almost hiding behind her curtain of white locks, and a smirk appeared on Harry's face, clearly proud of himself for flustering her.


"Okay, you guys go find Ben, we'll look for Audrey. Meet back at Evie's in two hours, okay?" They all nodded. The groups were Evie, Mal, Celia, and Uma looking for Audrey, and the rest searching for Ben. Jay had insisted that Aurelia came with them, much to Harry's delight.

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