act one - homecoming

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' paying for things is overrated

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' paying for things is overrated. '

ACT ONE — homecoming【 spider-man: homecoming 】

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ACT ONEhomecoming
【 spider-man: homecoming 】

ACT ONE — homecoming【 spider-man: homecoming 】

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Curiosity kills the cat,

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Curiosity kills the cat,

is what they always say to me, ford hardy. but usually it's always a bit too late. i'm already half-dead by the time those words are said. but do i care? of course not. i love the adrenaline of getting into danger. it's in my blood.

everything all started when i came out the womb. obviously. my mom is a criminal and always has been. she was the infamous black cat, raised me to commit 'awful' doings like thievery and muggings.

even though some of the rich folks in the city hate her, i love her. she's my idol. my role model. she's the only person i've ever saw genuine good and bravery in. everyone else? well, they are boring. they know no such thing as fun and impulse. i'm like a rollercoaster, they're not. and it kinda sucks, you know.

growing up, i always bragged about things. even little stupid things, like about how i stole candy at lunch. the other kids would snitch on me. of course they would. it made me feel slightly alone to be honest, having no one that never even understood me in the slightest. even when i never talked about my skills, they never really seemed to care.

high school was better. but not by much. even the people who could bare talking to me, always found a way to dislike or avoid me. i haven't even been in a group or club besides the decathlon team, who somehow kept me in however i felt i did literally no work for them. usually. i just sat there, and zoning out whenever we were practicing. school sucked ass, basically.

it wasn't too long ago before i became the black cat. my mom retired and wanted to pass the legacy down onto her only child, reasonably so. crime was fun and couldn't stop in nyc. so, i was the new black cat but a hundred times better, obviously. kidding. she's the best of the best.

and around that time, a crime-fighting idiot came along too. spider-man was his name. i didn't know where he came from or why he decided to randomly appear. but he did. fate, i guess.

me and spider-man hated each other for a while. he would always catch me and web me to the wall during my heists, hoping the police would come quickly enough to cuff me. but they never were. i was too swift for them. he should probably get some better web shooters.

this probably continued for months, a while until things escalated, i suppose. instead of webbing me up, he wanted to negotiate with me for once. something along the lines of wanting to team up if no crimes were committed. i like a challenge, so i accepted his deal.

except, it wasn't a deal. even though i teamed up with him against crime, i continued to do crime myself right underneath his nose. he had no idea for weeks.

during that time, we got close. like real close. behind the masks, he didn't know who i was and i didn't know who he was, even though every time we met up, flirting was always thrown around like a toy. he kinda understood me. i'm not soft, but i really liked him for a while.

he wasn't dumb and found out at the end of the day. he's a teacher's pet and argued over the fact that he wasn't teaming with someone who was a criminal. no way in hell. obviously, crime is my life. it's what i live for. it's why i thrive. i couldn't obey that. and so we split and went back down our own different paths.

he continued to be a crime-fighting spider whilst i continued to be a crime-causing cat. we were both so different yet we somehow ended up taking the liking of each other for at least just a while.

but i guess time goes on. because that's how life works. a few months down the line, school began to suck even more. it was a new year and i was literally thrown into even more confusing classes full of a bunch of people who i (mostly) don't even know. seeing my classmates from last year in the hallways was like a bigfoot sighting. it makes my brain itch each time, i swear.

but this time, it was a little different. if i'm being crystal clear, i have never really paid much attention to my peers, but when i was sat next to a cute brunet in science, i just couldn't take my eyes off him. he's so.. pretty. which is a lot coming from me since i don't really like complimenting people.

i'm sly. and i know how to work my magic. it was a few weeks ago when i finally earned his name, peter parker. it fit. although, when i spoke to him, something about his voice felt so familiar?

 although, when i spoke to him, something about his voice felt so familiar?

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