Weighing the Heart against the Head

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After the first layers of identity has been imposed and the internal turmoil is in full effect, the real battles begin, that makes the pain of the Unknown look like a walk in the park.

This is where the "Destiny War" first happens. War for control of the mind, heart, and eventually the body. This is the ultimate battle of battles!

There is only ONE way to win this battle! And the penalty of not winning is "DEATH"! And the type of death that we're talking about here, is far worse than you can imagine. With this death, you are sentenced to living the rest of your life with this sentence. You have heard about a "Death sentence", but think of this more as a "life sentence of death".  More on this later on.

The battle between the head and the heart is a brutal one. In order to understand what makes it so terrifying, is having an understanding of, what is really at stake, the opponents on each side of the battlefield, and most importantly, the difficulty involved in actually winning this battle. We will explore each one briefly.

First one is understanding what is at stake. What is at stake here may sound very simple at first until you see the profound impact it actually has on your life. Conscious Unity with your AUTHENTIC CELLF is at stake. Simply put, becoming one with the REALEST and highest version of yourcellf. AtONEment.

Next you have the opponents on each side. On one side you have "the head". This side is where the external programming and influences is stored and contemplated on a regular basis. It is like a CPU (Central Processing Unit) for a computer. Data can constantly be programmed in and removed to archives. This is where viruses from external sources can also attack and potentially make the entire computer system, (your entire body) pretty much go into "Cellf Destruct" mode. The head also stores the data from childhood and is ALWAYS gathering new data to add to its program, both consciously and subconsciously.

On the battlefield of life, the head can have a berserker type nature. When out of control, it can be very wild, loud, destructive, uncalculated, careless, wreckless, kill everything on its path type of vibe, and ultimately, a danger to itself.

Then on the other side, you have, "The heart". The heart is alot lighter in attitude, however, its power is NOT to be taken lightly at all! Even though the heart is simple by nature, it is the only opponent that can defeat and bring balance to the head.

In some cultures, it is believed that the heart carries the power of the Soul and the memory of previous lifetimes. Though the working of the heart is like a whisper, that whisper carries Divine power that can take down the most Goliath of foes.

On the battlefieldof life, the heart operates like an assassin. The heart is quiet, very calculated in its attacks, has laser like precision like a very well trained surgeon, stealth, and instead of killing everything on its path type of vibe, the heart will go straight to the leader, and take out the leader, knowing that the army will scatter and become demoralized and easier to control without its head. That is the nature of the heart.

And the last part is, understanding how difficult it is to win this battle. There is no victory possible if the head defeats the heart. And victory is not possible, if the heart defeats the head. The only way that victory is possible is when the head and the heart become ALIGNED!!! They must be merged into one consciousness and serving the same cause!

This is extremely difficult because the head is so loud in nature, that it is easily influenced by the external noise of the world and social conditioning of society and the environment.

The head perceives the external noise, or constant INput by people and things, as it being in its comfort zone. That external noise makes it very difficult to hear the whispers of the heart.

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