Identifying Your Purpose

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The Soul's connection to the Body

One thing that you must understand about yourself, is that, you are not the body. The body works like a car. There are many parts of the car that works together in harmony that gives the car the POTENTIAL to move. And having the potential to do something, does not make it happen automatically. In this case, the missing element is the "driver". The car needs the driver in order to operate. Your body is just dead flesh without the driver. And on the flip side of that coin, the body becomes animated, when the driver is inside.

This is important to understand because, the driver of the body, or Soul, is what gives meaning or purpose to the body.

As with a car, you do not just jump into a car to sit down and do nothing. There's always a mission. There's always a reason that you get into the car. It may be to go to the grocery store and shop. Maybe to go to a party, family reunion, prom, church, school, work, business trip, rob a bank, or maybe simply to perform some self love in the form of a tune up and oil change to extend the life of the car. The bottom line is, there is always a reason or purpose for getting in the car.

Now when you bring the same concept to the body, it works the same way.

The body allows the Soul to drive around and perform. And the Soul jumped into the body for a reason. It did not jump into it to sit down and be idle.

The problem here, is that, when you, the living Soul, chose the body that it wants to merge with, the Soul was already aware of its limitations. The Soul already knew that the body is a weak vessel that will need constant upgrades, and proper maintenance in order to be able to serve the Soul's mission.

Contrary to what most people believe, the Soul is not ALWAYS in the body throughout the lifespan of the body. Especially in the early development stages.

When the fetus is in the development stages, the Soul is not inside of the fetus. There is something called the oversoul, where the Soul is on the outside of the body. During this time, the Soul is grooming and protecting the body.

Truth is, some people actually have experienced memory flashes of this! Some people have memories of being outside of their bodies as the Soul, and literally guarding the fetus to ensure that the baby is born in a healthy state, so that it can be groomed and developed properly in order to be able to withstand the glory and power of the Soul that will be merging with it.

Let us spend a little more time on this. It is very important for me to express this, because, there are children and adults in the world that experienced this phenomenon, and are thinking that something is wrong with them, due to the fact that, just about everyone that they try to express the memories to, are pretty much clueless about it. So they feel stuck without answers and somewhat empty because it is real to them and others simply can't relate.

I am here to tell you that there is NOTHING wrong with you. You are here for Divine reasons. The memories make you feel like an outcast because others can't relate and it forces you to go inside. You begin to isolate yourself from others. You experience dreams that are so extreme as a child, and the dreams can be terrifying and leave you confused because you are not able to express it to people, friends, and family, without being judged or told to be quiet, and even worse, sent to a doctor that does NOT understand you at all, and will give you medications for situations that require special meditations.

You are not alone. This is part of the reason that this book is being written. 

Anyway. Those dreams are due to the high levels of awareness that you came into Earth realm with. You are far beyond the norm. You are aware of your awareness. You are aware that the body is the vessel that you are using, and that you have a mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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