Chapter 29

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get ready for dRaMa🤪


"So," Lauren deflected, still finding it difficult to even look at Joey. She'd asked him at the end of lunch to meet her in the choir room later, and they'd agreed on meeting during seventh hour since they both had a free period.

"Lo, you asked me to meet you here." Joey said, amused.

"Yeah, because I thought that I would've come to a decision on what to do for the dance by now." Lauren admitted honestly. "But..."

"But?" Joey asked, resting his crooked jaw against his hand.

"But I got nothing," Lauren admitted. "Zip. Nada. No idea what we should do."

Joey couldn't help but smile to himself, never failing to be amused by his girlfriend. "So let's talk through it. As Mr. Davidson would ask, what do you want to do?"

"No." Lauren said shortly, glancing around the choir room nervously. The only other people there were Jaime and Dylan, who were definitely too busy with each other to pay them any attention. "We always ask that question," Lauren stated, scooting over so that she could sit next to him, their legs just barely touching. "What do you want, Joey?"

Joey opened his mouth to respond, but found that he was speechless. It was rare that he asked himself that question. "I mean... obviously I want to go to the dance with you Lo," he admitted honestly. "But not if you don't want to; it's not fun for me if you're not having a good time."

Lauren glanced back over towards Jaime and Dylan to ensure that they weren't looking at them, before reaching over and taking Joey's hand. "Okay. Thank you for being honest. So... maybe the right thing to do in this scenario is to compromise?"

Joey shrugged. "Seems reasonable. Except what the hell's the compromise in this scenario?"

"We're going to the dance together," Lauren stated confidently, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Publicly for everyone to see. But to the public, it'll be as friends." She was painfully aware of just how much she had to be blushing. "How, how does that sound to you?"

"Pretty good," Joey said, glancing over towards Jaime and Dylan before bringing his lips to her ears. "But seeing as this is a Sadie Hawkins dance, how about you ask me properly?"

Lauren playfully pushed him away, rolling her eyes. "Fine. Judee, will you go to this stupid dance with me?"


Joe slid his hands into his pockets, trying to allow the cool weather to relax him. He'd been pacing around campus for the better part of an hour, not really sure what he felt like doing. Normally, this was around the time that he would hit the gym, but he just wasn't feeling it today.

It was difficult for him to not feel like Brian had rejected him. He knew that his boyfriends reasoning for them to not go to the dance together logically made sense, but that didn't stop it from sucking. He was tired of worrying about what his actions might cause Zoey to do. He didn't want to worry about Sam and Craig anymore. Couldn't Brian just trust that he would protect him from them?

Why did Zoey continuously have to deprive him of happiness?

He found his legs taking him over to the football fields. He sat down on the grass, gazing over the fields. Right now they were mainly empty, but in an hour once seventh period was over the soccer team would be out there. Maybe he should practice for lacrosse. He peered his eyes at some of the few people on the field. He felt like he recognized two of the boys who were tossing a football back and forth—were those the underclassmen who had asked him for an autograph after Potter musical? Maybe he could go give them some pointers.

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