Prologue One

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Journal Entry-

Today, everything changed. The world as I knew it shattered into a million fragments, leaving behind a desolate landscape of metal, wires and machines I've never seen before.

I can still hear the screams, the chaos, and the sirens echoing in my ears.

It feels like a nightmare I can't wake up from, but this is my reality now.

My name is Jessie Wilson, and I'm writing this entry as the sun sets on Old Chicago, in a devastated Earth. Hopefully, if you're reading this, the human race has survived the catastrophic event.

It all began with an accident, a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. A mass explosion tore through the heart of our civilization, Humanity, leaving no corner untouched. The details are hazy, the memories flickering like distant sparks.

All I remember is the panic, the rush of people desperately trying to escape, to find safety.

But the evacuation wasn't for everyone. It seems that in the chaos, I was left behind, abandoned to navigate this hostile new world alone.

The city streets that were once vibrant and teeming with life are now a maze of decay and machinery. Skyscrapers stretch toward the sky, their broken windows reflecting the dying light. The air smells of rust and burning circuits, and the sounds that fill the air are the whirring of gears and the occasional creak of metal. The remnants of our technological achievements are now haunting reminders of a past that can never be reclaimed.

As I explore this mechanical wasteland, I can't help but feel a mix of awe and fear. The towering machines that were once the pinnacle of human ingenuity now stand as silent monoliths, guardians of a world they helped destroy.

You know, there's a strange beauty in their twisted forms, a reminder of what we were capable of before it all went wrong.

Survival is my primary goal now. I scavenge through the remnants of abandoned buildings, searching for food, water, and any useful supplies. Each day brings new challenges, from dodging rogue drones to avoiding patrols who will do anything to claim the rest that's unturned.

It's a constant battle against the elements, the artificial, the altered, the natural and the harsh reality of this new existence.

And, sadly, I have no idea what's yet to come. 

-Jessie Wilson

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