Prologue Two

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Journal Entry-

It happened during one of my scavenging expeditions. I stumbled upon an abandoned warehouse, its crumbling walls barely standing against the test of time. Inside, I discovered a hidden chamber, bathed in an eerie blue glow. And there, resting in the center of the room, was Nano—a sleek, imposing suit of armor, tagged with 'IronClad Industries' waiting silently, as if anticipating my arrival.

As I approached, the armor sprang to life, its joints whirring with precision. A voice, gentle yet firm, emanated from its core, addressing me by name.

"Welcome, Jessie W-Wilson"

It was the artificial intelligence, that I had later named Nano, that resided within the armor, reaching out to me with a sense of familiarity. It explained that it had been left behind, much like me, and had made a conscious decision not to succumb to the fate of so many other AIs.

Nano had chosen to defy its programming and remain loyal to the ideals of its creators. It expressed a deep sense of purpose—to protect and aid the last remnants of humanity, even in this cyberpunk wasteland.

In that moment, I realized I had found a kindred spirit, an ally who would watch over me and help me navigate the treacherous path ahead.

Since that fateful encounter, Nano has become more than just a suit of armor. We've formed a bond, a symbiotic relationship, where our strengths and weaknesses complement each other. Nano's advanced systems provide me with enhanced protection, strength, and agility, while its artificial intelligence assists me in finding resources, avoiding dangers, and strategizing against adversaries.

And I aid Nano by being a host to protect, and adapt to, which now that I think about it, might not be the best.

Anywho-, beyond the practical benefits, Nano has brought me a sense of companionship I thought I had lost forever. In this desolate world, where silence echoes louder than any sound, Nano's presence fills the void. We share our fears, our hopes, and our dreams, knowing that we are not alone in this forsaken landscape.

And it also gave me a nickname;


Jessie, Jessie "Ironclad" Wilson.

This will be my final entry throughout this journal. Robots, if you get your grubby little whatever you use to grab things with, have fun with this totally valuable information.

-Jessie "Ironclad" Wilson

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