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*One Month Later*

Taylor and Scarlett sat on the couch in Scarlett's living room and had been there for the majority of the day. They had decided this Sunday they would pass on their normal shopping, lunch and errands. Over the past month, Taylor officially moved in, she had already practically been living there already. They sat with the TV on in the background, while they talked about plans for the house and what room Taylor wanted to be hers, when her head quickly shot up.

"What is it?" Scarlett asked a bit startled. 

"Scarlett, your twenty-first birthday is in less than two weeks! What are we doing to celebrate?" Taylor questioned excitedly.

"Well, it's a Friday, so I have to work just like every other day." Scarlett responded with a chuckle. "We should plan something for that Sunday!"

"Tay, every year we plan something big for one of our birthdays and something always winds up ruining it. I'd rather just get a couple of our friends together and have them over for pizza, wings, and drinks."

"Okay, well, if that's what you wanna do, then that's what we'll do. This is your birthday, and we do whatever it is that you want. Just tell me who it is that you want here and I'll take care of the rest."

"Well obviously you and Mikey, well you live here so that's a given, but then maybe like two or three guys from the pits. I don't want a bunch of people in my house and it wind up being trashed the next day."

"Sounds good to me."

"Please just make sure that they're people that all three of us get along with. I'll hurt someone if they start a fight while they're here for my birthday."

"Mostly everyone out there is people that we all get along with, so that shouldn't be an issue at all."

The next few days had gone by the same way that they normally did, nothing out of the ordinary or exciting. Friday came along and after the bar closed, while everyone was doing their closing duties, Dave called a staff meeting. He informed everyone that the following Friday would be closed to the public, due to there being a private event. He also informed Scarlett not to worry about all the setup because she would be serving while everybody else would be working together to get things set up, so she didn't have to rush to get changed. The next week had again gone by without anything out of the ordinary happening.

Scarlett woke up the morning of her birthday to messages from friends and family. She responded to the messages with a heart full of love before getting out of bed and walking downstairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she was greeted by a living room decorated with red and black balloons and banners on the walls.

"Taylor, what the hell. Did you do all of this?" she yelled through the house, unsure of where Taylor was, but hoping that she was awake already. Taylor came out of the kitchen almost immediately with a spatula in her hand.

"Happy Birthday bitch! Of course, I did! I can't let you wake up to nothing on the day of your actual birthday, you're my best friend. Come to the kitchen, I'm making breakfast!" Taylor responded excitedly and pulled Scarlett into the kitchen.

"Okay, so coffee is brewed, I made chocolate chip pancakes and bacon and I'm finishing up the last of the scrapple now. Get what you want and eat up so I can give you your present." Taylor said quickly once they were in the kitchen.

"Present? I told you not to get me anything. I told you to save your money!" Scarlett responded "Oh, shut up. It's the least I could do after the fact that you pretty much let me live here for free." "I told you I don't need your money. I make more than enough to cover everything on my own." "I understand that, but you're still my best friend. I can't get you nothing for your birthday. Go ahead and eat before everything gets cold." Taylor said with a smile. Scarlett smiled in response and began eating her breakfast.

Taylor and Scarlett finished eating their breakfast and Taylor took the dishes to the sink before quickly running to her bedroom and returning just a few minutes later with a large box that she could barely see over.

"Holy shit Tay!" Scarlett exclaimed as Taylor placed the box down on the kitchen table in front of her.

"Open it, open it, open it!" Taylor squealed with excitement.

"Alright, I'm opening it!" Scarlett responded laughing a she stood up from her chair. 

She opened the box to see two four-packs of her favorite monsters, all of her favorite hard candies, several packs of gum and mints, along with a gift bag that was tied shut and what looked to be another box that was wrapped at the bottom. She first pulled out the drinks, candies, gum, and mints and then pulled out the gift bag, untied it, and looked inside. In the bag was a new pair of dark wash, boot cut blue jeans, knee-high socks with skulls all over them, and a black tank top that had rips down the side, RHEC overtop a rebel flag on the front, and on the back, it said 'Well GOOOD Fuggin'.

"Tay, where did you get this tank top? It's so badass, I love it!!"

"I'll tell you later on. You still have something to open and we still have plans before you go to work." Taylor said, disregarding Scarlett's question.

"Still have plans? The fuck you mean?" Scarlett questioned, confused.

"You'll find out soon, but for now it's a surprise. Just open your last gift." Taylor protested. "Okay, fine!" Scarlett responded as she pulled out the wrapped box. She started to unwrap the box, noticed the familiar logo on the box, and looked up at Taylor with a shocked look on her face. "Are these what I think they are?" she questioned.

"Open the box and find out." Taylor responded chuckling. Scarlett then opened the box to find the pair of boots that she had always dreamed of having. All black Laredo Tallahassee's. They were men's boots, but Scarlett had always admired the style of men's boots more than women's. She looked at Taylor jaw dropped, with tears in her eyes.

"Tay, what the hell..." she said quietly while admiring the boots that she held in her hands.

"Scar, you've wanted these boots for years, and every time we go out and you see them, you always talk about how bad you want them, but never buy them

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"Scar, you've wanted these boots for years, and every time we go out and you see them, you always talk about how bad you want them, but never buy them. You're always buying things for others and never for yourself, so I figured I would get them for you. Plus, now you have a brand new, badass outfit that you can wear to work tonight." Taylor explained in response.

"These boots are like a hundred and sixty-five bucks, why would you spend that much on me for boots, after spending god knows how much on the rest of it?" Scarlett questioned.

"Because you're my best friend and you deserve it." Taylor responded with a smile, before giving Scarlett a hug.

"Thank you so much. For all of this. The decorations, the breakfast, the gifts. It's made my first birthday with my parents out of state really awesome."

"You don't need to thank me. You deserve it all with how much you do for me. Go get dressed though, there's still more that we need to go do before you go to work tonight." Taylor said with a smile before shooing Scarlett upstairs. Scarlett shook her head and walked upstairs to her bedroom, where she got dressed in a t-shirt, black leggings, and black vans. She wanted to be comfortable while she still could. She was so excited to wear her new outfit, but running around in jeans was not always a favorite of hers. She quickly threw her hair up in a loose bun and skipped on makeup for the morning. She hadn't seen a point in putting any makeup on because she knew that she would have to wash it all off before she could redo it for work. Once she was finished, she walked back downstairs to see Taylor ready and waiting for her on the couch.

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