~Thirty Two~

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"Exactly, and the fact that, that man is fucking Ryan Upchurch just sends me over the edge with excitement. Never in a million years did I think I'd call him my boyfriend, let alone have him be the only man to ever sexually pleasure me to the fullest extent. I wanna jump around and spaz the fuck out because Ryan Upchurch is my boyfriend and God damn does he fuck me so good." Scarlett explained, doing a little dance in her seat.

"I'm so fucking excited for you that I'd jump around and spaz with you. Seeing you so happy and excited about your relationship makes me so damn happy." Taylor said with a huge smile and reached out to squeeze Scarlett's hand. The two best friends squealed in excitement like they were back in high school. They started laughing a giddy laugh and dancing around in their seats when suddenly the front door opened and Ryan walked out.

"Now I understand how the two of y'all aren't freezing your asses off out here. What's all this dancing and squealing like high school girls about?" he asked, walking over to where Scarlett sat. She stood from the seat to give Ryan his seat back and once he sat down, he pulled her to sit on his lap. He lit himself a cigarette and placed a small kiss on the back of her neck.

"Um, not even gonna lie, we were having a bit of a fan girl moment." Scarlett replied.

"Over what?"

"Over you. Taylor may have noticed the way I was walking and I may have had to tell her a little bit about last night and this morning to explain, but without going into too much detail. I'm sorry, Taylor's my best friend, I had to tell her about it."

"I didn't think you wouldn't baby, like you said, she's your best friend. With how much she's asked us about it, I figured you'd tell her about it. I'm just honestly surprised that you didn't run to her room last night after we were done."

"I could barely fucking stand! How would I have run down the hall?!"

"Good point. We're gonna have to go get the new bed frame after you eat your breakfast." He said whispering the last part.

"You don't have to whisper baby. I told her that part."

"I have to ask; what exactly did y'all break on the bed?" Taylor asked, curiously.

"Um, there are wooden slats that run side to side between the metal frame itself, so four of them were completely broken in two, and two others were just cracked. We're gonna go get a full metal one when we go to the furniture store." Scarlett answered.

"Oh, um, we put holes in the wall too, so when we go out, we're gonna have to pick some stuff up to fix the wall and keep it from happening again." He added.

"I'm sorry, what? When the fuck did we do that?!" Scarlett asked in shock, turning to look at him.

"Well babe, I'd say we did it during the same time we broke the damn bed. I noticed it when I went up to grab a new pack of cigarettes. It's from where the corners of the metal part of the frame are so bulky. It's worse on the side where we were, but it's still pretty bad on the other side."

"Oh shit. Y'all havin' the real kinda fun. I'm goin' in, it's too damn cold out here." Taylor said while laughing and getting up from her chair to walk into the house. Scarlett picked up her pack of cigarettes once again and lit another cigarette.

"I had a feeling you were gonna chain smoke once you got out here with how badly you wanted one." He said, kissing her cheek and leaning his forehead against her temple.

"Well, that and another reason." She replied with a shaky sigh.

"Hey, my love, what's goin' on?" he asked, using a single finger to turn her face towards his.

"I wanna talk to you about something, but I'm not sure how you're gonna feel about it."

"Talk to me baby, you've got me worried now."

"Um, okay. Baby, how would you feel about making our relationship public?"

"Wait, really? Do you really want to? I wanted to talk to you about it Friday night, but wanted it to be a private conversation and by the time we got into bed, we were exhausted. I wanna show you off, I wanna post the cute ass picture Taylor took of us on my Instagram and make a YouTube video with you. I want everyone to know you're mine."

"Wait, really? You wanna do all of that just to announce that we're together?"

"Of course, I do baby. Just as long as you're okay with that."

"Of course, I am baby. Wait, did you have the camera on while we were out on the Harley yesterday?"

"I did, why?"

"What about uploading that video, or a snippet of it or something like that?"

"Like maybe the part where we switched around so you were on the front of the bike, and you were leaning back against me and I was kissin' on ya with my arm around your waist while we were sittin' at a stop light." He suggested, kissing her neck.

"I think you may have read my mind. Um, baby?"

"Yes, darlin'?"

"Who's pulling into the driveway?" she questioned as she watched the unknown car pull into the spot next to Ryan's Tahoe.

"Um, so I may have done something." He said shyly.

"Ryan, what the fuck did you do?! You better fucking hope I keep my mouth shut." she questioned, now realizing who the person was that was walking towards the house.

"Don't hold back, he needs to be ripped a new asshole for what he's fuckin' done. I texted him and told him that y'all were here and he needed to get his head out of his ass and get over here if he even remotely wanted a chance with Taylor. I was gonna ream him out, but I figured you'd get more enjoyment from doing so if he actually showed up." Ryan explained, finishing his explanation just as the person joined them on the porch.

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