TEAM RELIC Personnel Files

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Name: Electra Yang (Electro-Bug).

Age: 18 years old.

Weapon: Stun gun/battering ram and battery pack. Called "Lightning-Bug."

Interests/Hobbies: Inventing/tinkering, listening to music, reading comics.

Talents/Skills: Can easily make friends with most people, has a very inventive brain, and can easily fix, rewire, and reverse engineer things.

Name: Marionette 78 (Marion).

Age: 75 years old (looks 18).

Weapon: Bow with gun barrel instead of arrows. Called "Brass Rain."

Interests/Hobbies: Reading, training, patrolling.

Talents/Skills: Basically everything. She's a robot, so all of her senses are heightened, she can go days without recharging, and she's nearly indestructible.

Name: Clara Crow.

Age: 19 years old.

Weapon: Large purse/book bag that transforms into a Gatling gun. Called "Like Clockwork," aka "The Black Box."

Interests/Hobbies: Shopping, photography, and watching rom-coms.

Talents/Skills: Has lots of connections due to her father's business, is very good at getting people to do what she wants, and is a master manipulator.

Name: Matteo Garcia (Shroud).

Age: 19 years old.

Weapon: Sickle with a detachable blade, daggers, and throwing knives. Sickle is called "Crescent Iron."

Interests/Hobbies: Reading, working on cars, and exploring the Outskirts.

Talents/Skills: Is super observant and is skilled in pickpocketing and parkour (all without being noticed) due to his shady past.

Name: Koji Nakamura.

Age: 19 years old.

Weapon: Twin katanas with armored, launching sheaths. Called "Thorn and Rose."

Interests/Hobbies: Reading comics, writing stories, training.

Talents/Skills: Was trained in swordsmanship from a very young age and makes everyone feel comfortable.

Author's note: I will most likely draw the characters and add them in. Also, please feel free to give constructive criticism and feedback for the main story. I'm always looking to become a better writer. :)

Also, this is my first time posting on Wattpad, so I'm not very used to the layout of everything. Please forgive me if there are some editing errors (I write mainly in Google Docs, so I just copy and paste everything in).

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