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*5 years later*

"I have spent the whole day searching the city." Diarmuid spoke, as he walked to the middle of the road before facing Arturia "Everyone simply slinks away, hiding in their little holes. Only you alone have accepted my offer."

"That pure energy surrounding you, you are saber I presume?" Not asking, but stating as fact

"Indeed." She responded "And I presume you are lancer." She stated in turn

"Being unable to honorably name myself to my opponent in combat troubles me." His cool voice failing to portray this, as he shifted his stance, along with a twirl of his spears to match his positioning, to which Arturia did her magical girl transformation and shifted to her "Battle" dress. "I dislike these rules." He continued unfazed by her change

After Diarmuid and Arturia exchanged pleasantries as their perspective classes of lancer and saber, a slow clap was heard causing them to flinch and look around guarded, while Arturia stood a bit closer to Irisviel. All of them looked around where the clapping as it was echoing from shipping containers, causing those watching the show, minus the slav- I means servants for the moment, to grow weary as they too have become unknowingly contestants for the game that is afoot. The slow, rhythmic, dreadful claps started to get closer and closer. Before finally getting close enough for both servants to detect with their bare senses, snapping their heads to the clapping slowly congealing into a path engulfed in darkness between the shipping containers.

Their focus and attention were laser-sighted straight at that spot, before finally, showing the what, or rather who was the source of the clapping. A man stepped out silently into the light, making no sound but his slow clapping, right between Diarmuid and Arturia. He wore a form-fitting trench coat, with soft-looking military apparel complete with protection underneath with a tie, complete with snug pants that are half underneath zero-drop combat boots. With half his face covered by a hood, the only thing that can be seen is his smug smile adorned with a scruffy blond beard. Though it seems he could be seen to be a bit over the top armed with some firearms along with

His smile seemed to amuse Diarmuid, while irritate Arturia with a slight tick mark

His slow claps came to a slow, deliberate stop right before he reached the quarter point where he would be between .

"Bravo, Bravo~." He spoke, giving everyone in attendance a voice with some of a face to the theatrics. "That was quite the introduction." He complimented "6 out of 10. Could've gone ah bit longer than that. But then again, that would be asking too much from you two."

Diarmuid could only quickly frown a bit, masking a quiet chuckle threatening to spill. While Arturia could only tighten her grip on her imaginary sword while her eyes narrowed at the backhanded mockery thrown her way.

"And I presume you must be Assassin?" Almost demanding

"You presume~, much. Though it has been quite a while since I have been called that." He replied without missing a beat, almost becoming lost in memories, before he continued with his distraction. "My name is Silver, not, at your service." Doing a little bow, not tipping his head or bending over to either of them in complete mockery of a courtesy.

Almost everyone listening in became gobsmacked. Not at his robust wordplay sadly, but to brazenly reveal his name out loud for everyone to know. Kiritsugu was the first to break out of his stupor as well as the first to realize something was wrong with how assassin still lived, as there was no one else with that capability. He signaled to Maiya to pull back while he started to pack up his gear to be secured to his person while he was ready to bolt. He won't leave until his wife is in the clear but now he is now ready for anything to be upon him.

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