CHAPTER 6- The 'Rents, Neko, And Something Fishy

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I watched him sleep, he was the most adorable sight ever. His nose twitched and his ears. He snuggled into my chest and purred ever so lightly. I ran my hand up and down his back, feel the scares. My blood boiled. Who would ever think to hurt such a beautiful, kind and honest creature like Noah? I clench my fists and shut my eyes. I knew it was too late to hurt them. Even if I wanted to find them, I wouldn't in even know where to start.

"Master? " I opened my eyes to see a sleepy eyed Noah looking up at me with hood yet concerned eyes. I rubbed his back, I scold myself for waking him.

"Go back to sleep, Noah."  he shivers and blushes then rubs his eyes of sleep.

"It's okay, I'm not sleepy, " he sniffles a yawn and I smirk. Not sleepy? Yeah, right. I nod sarcastically.

"Of course you aren't and my name is Santa."  his eyes grow wide.

"Really? " his eyes glint excitedly. Aw, hell. I sigh.

"I was kidding."  he slumps and nods.

"Right, I knew that. "I laugh at him. Gods, he is too cute. He smiles and rests his chin on my chest. I look to the bedside table and groan."What is it?"  he looks at the watch then back at me.

"I have to go to the office, have an important meeting. " he blinks and wraps his arms around me when I sit up. I look down at him with furrowed brows.

"Please," his tone is pleading, "Don't leave. Please."  his eyes widen and his bottom lip sticks out and it starts to tremble. Oh, no! My eyes go wide as I realise what he is doing. My little Noah the Neko is giving me the puppy dog eyes. The irony is not lost to me. I groan.

"Noah, I have to, "I whine at him. He can make me so childish sometimes. He had mastered the puppy dog eyes after witnessing John's daughter, Rita, use it on me two days ago. I try to stand and he tightens his hold. He looks up at me an I almost crack, almost. I close my eyes and run my hands down my face. I have to go and...well, I can't really take him with his tail sticking out because I tried, trust me, I did and I do not want to try taming his wild tail. He also hates having it confined which is why we cut out holes for every one of his new clothes which I got him, where his tail should be.

"B-but, but... I, " he bits his lip and I furrow my brows at him.

"What is it, Noah," I caress his hair and stare into his gorgeous eyes. He looks down with a blush but doesn't let go.

"I...I don't want you to go, " he whispers. I smile at him and lift his chin to face me. I smile softly at him and he gives me a small smile.

"I will be back before you know it," I do something I never thought I would do, I lean down and give him a butterfly kiss. His mouth parts slowly as he enhales. "I promise," his eyes flutter down as a small smile plays on his lips. He gives a nod and slowly removes his arms from around me. I wanted them back. I grab a hold of him and he gasps. I pull him close and stand. He looks up at me with wide curious eyes. I smirk at him.

"How 'bout we take a shower? "my voice was husky. I felt his cock stir and I walked us towards the bathroom.

I place him on the counter by the basin. His cheeks flush as he stares down at his legs. I turn the water on before turning to him. He was staring at me, he looked down and flushed. Looking at his cheeks turn red had something carnal in me awaken. I groan and stand between his legs which he opens without hesitation. I have my palms flat on his thighs. I lightly trail my fingers up and down, reaching closer and closer to his hip. He shudders and looks at me from under his lashes.

"Such a beautiful sight, " I whisper, mostly to myself but he hears me. He licks his lips and I grab onto his shirt and pull it up over his chest, my hand trailing up his body to take it off. He watched me with those purple and golden-brown slited iris cat eyes of his. Once it was off I scanned his profile. His milky pale skin. He wasn't as bony as he was when he arrived about 3 weeks ago. His black hair flopped in his face and his white fluffy ears twitched with sounds which I couldn't hear.

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