Chapter 5

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Me and doc were walking through town when we heard johnna yelling "johnny ringo, ike clanton if you want to kill me cuz of what i did then go for it im out here come out and face me "! Me and doc looked at each other then heard a gunshot. Getting worried i turned to doc you go check on Johnna and ill go get wyatt before taking off running to the oriental yelling at them to come with me running as fast as we can . we get there to see her pass out falling to the floor i run as fast as i can to her wrapping my jacket around her arm as wyatt walks to pick her up carrying her off to the cabins and morgan calls for the doctor. Me and doc walk to the orintal and sit down doc playing faro as morgan walks in and sits playing with doc. Getting bored I decided to mess with doc so i reached over grabbing the toothpick out of his mouth smirking at him . he asked " darling what was that ".  Twisting the toothpick around my lips I smirked " well darling that's a thing called flirting " he smiled back leaning closer to me taking the toothpick out of my mouth looking deep in my eyes and winked " don't start a battle you can't finish ". i smirked back at him 
"Darling, stick to faro as your game , flirting is mine ". doc did just that, handing the dealer more money . I decided to play around with them. The dealer deals me in and doc calls first laying down a full house so i call next laying down a royal flush. Meaning i beat the best faro player in all of tombstone. Looking over to doc and morgan both looked shocked looking from the cards laying flat on the table then back to me "what "? morgan chuckled "damn doc not only might she be faster with a gun and flirt better but she just beat you at your own game " doc rolled his eyes "piss on you morgan " . giggling i looked over at doc grabbing his worn felt hat off his head placing it on mine. Doc looked at me like i grew a second head. "What darling got an issue ". which caused him to once again lean into my face whispering in my ear " darling you are starting a highly dangerous battle " i smirked standing up and leaning into his neck letting my lips barley touch his neck " well good thing danger is my middle name. I stood straight leaving him frustrated and walked out not giving his hat back

*time skip ****

Deciding to go check on Johnna i walk down to wyatts to see her storm out and mattie walk out behind her pulling out the familiar bottle of  laudanum  . I stomped up the stairs, snatching it from her and throwing it on the ground, shattering the bottle. Mattie looked pissed " what the actual fuck is going on with you mattie" i asked actually concerned for the women who had grown to be my sister " nothing is wrong lizzy its just a headache " that pissed me off worse " oh Celia Ann  dont give me that fucking bullshit it may work on wyatt and everyone else but i see right through this act of yours , your addicted to because you didnt listen to allie when she told you to be careful , maybe my warning will get across better quit this shit or fucking leave wyatt doesnt need your drugged up self slowing him down " with that she pushed past me walking down the stairs when wyatt ran out of the house "what the fuck was that about ". " wyatt shes addicted to that shit and you dont need that in your life " he signed " your right lets get this glass cleaned up" .

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