Chapter 8

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Trigger warning * gore

Riding through the plans,  us as a family are me , doc , wyatt , sherman mcmasters, turkey creek johnson and jack vermilion. Shooting cowboys as we spot the red sashes the first bunch about 5 were riding north towards the edge of  bisbee when we finally caught up to them doc   and me splitting towards two of them while the others take off  struggling to get the cowboy i was after he kept dodging around the neck of his horse so i slid to the left side of my saddle as his horse ran next to dusty ducking under his horses neck as he looked down to see me i shot him dead in the neck . leaning back up into the saddle as his horse flips out from the gunshot taking off, dropping his body to the ground meeting up with the rest of the group as we enter the edge of bisbee. Wyatt slows down headed towards one of the saloons, us fast on his heels, turn towards the saloon window bracing ourselves and run full speed through the glass killing every cowboy we see before backing out and deciding to settle down for the night setting tents up right outside of town. Jack and creek johnson agree to stand watch to make sure no other cowboys get wind of us and try to take us out in the night. While the others are sleeping me and wyatt slip over to this tent where there's about 5 or 6 cowboys getting high on who knows what one sat down what looked like was a spoon the other went to pick it up actually picking up the barrel of my trusty revolver cocking the hammer staring down at him as his eyes widen not hesitating before pulling the trigger as me and wyatt go around the tent killing the rest of them . walking back to the tent i take docs hat off laying it on my bags and taking off my holsters and bullet belt laying it next to the makeshift bed not bothering to change into my nightgown laying next to doc his arm finds its way around my waist to pull me close, letting sleep over take me

*time skip*

We rode to this stream   me and  doc was  ducking behind a fallen tree branch wyatt right in front of us " wyatt , elizabeth how the hell are ya"! We hear curly bill yell  right before gunshots go off on our side hitting the tree above me and doc. " got ya caught in some friendly crossfire". Me and wyatt exchange a look before reloading and standing up doc still laying on the ground " lizzy, wyatt what are you doing " i ignored him following behind wyatt whispering "no" no" as we walk from behind the trees entering the stream curly bill jumps down in with us " no let me "!  all the other gunshots stop its just me and wyatt and curly bill at this point as he starts walking towards us using his revolver he misses every shot till it clicks grumbling he throws it in the water wyatt takes this chance to cock his shotgun as i cock the hammer on my revolver wyatt hits him in the stomach  me shooting hitting him right above where wyatt did he falls backwards in the water. The gunshots comince this time we start dropping guys. When we get done we decided to rest for a little while tying the horses to trees by the stream me and doc lay resting against our saddles as wyatt is down at the stream when mcmasters walks up " where's he at " doc replies "down by the creek walking on water " mcmasters replies " well he better have another miracle up his sleeve because if i know ringo they are headed right for us ".

*time skip *

The next morning we sit on top of a hill watching through a telescope as johnny ringo, and ike clanton lead a gang of cowboys towards us as i pass the telescope back to wyatt whos sitting on his horse still while i'm on the ground  needing a break from being in the saddle so much doc falls into another bad coughing spell and starts leaning as he passes out falling off his horse jack and turkey creek manage to catch him .  sitting him back up i hop on my horse tying docs reins to my saddle hook. Me and Wyatt look at each other " we need to find a place to hole up " . turkey creek replies '' i know a guy hook his ranch ain't far from here " we all nod and start riding off i have to go slower because doc is still not completely cohearnet we reach this land and come across two guys riding by '' is this hooks place " one of them replies "yes and im hook" we all come to a stop " we got a sick guy " wyatt nods his head back towards doc " and our horses are done in '' yall can stay at my place as long as it's only for tonight " we are in debt to ya ". once we get the rest of the way to his ranch house he helps tie up the horses and get doc inside as he's laying in bed in yet another really bad coughing fit im sitting next to him holding his hands and trying to wipe the sweat off his face as much as possible hook walks in '' listen i know you boys and lady need to continue moving but he's not looking to well" he and wyatt walk outside where the others are i look out long enough to see a cowboy pulling something dropping it and moving back then the guys go running and i hear wyatt yell " tell him i'll be there ". he walks into the room looking at me and doc '' that was a message for johnny he wants to meet by the big oak tree to finish this once and for all'' i shook my head . Wyatt and the boys walk outside to talk, leaving me and doc alone . letting out a few deep coughs while sitting up further in the bed " i can't let wyatt go deal with ringo alone " doc signs "well my darling i can't let you go either ". I just layed down  on the bed laying my head on Doc's chest dozing off. I woke up to the sound of docs coughing fit looking up seeing wyatt standing there at the foot of the bed all dressed ready to go his famous peacemaker resting in its spot on his hip. Sitting up I move over to the chair next to the bed. Wyatt turns to doc " what makes a man like ringo doc "?
He continues " what makes him do the things he does "? Doc breathes in hoping not to cough "a man like Ringo's got a great big empty hole right through the middle of him , he can never kill enough or steal enough or inflict enough pain to ever fill it. Wyatt looks at Doc " what does he need ? doc simply replies "revenge " for what doc "? " being born " with that wyatt sighed " it happened so fast with curly bill i had no time to think i just did .... I've had plenty of time to think about this one. I'm not gonna beat him, am I ?" doc replies''no ''. Doc throws the blanket aside and I stand "wait we are going with you" doc falls back down on the bed in a super bad coughing spell "oh god i'm sorry " doc says "oh wyatt im so sorry . Wyatt frowns " its ok doc " . looking at wyatts chest i know what doc is thinking " what's it like to wear one of those '' he asks shakingly pointing to wyatts us marshal badge wyatt hesitates before taking it off slipping it into docs folded hands . he turns walking out the door towards the boys who are waiting to take him to johnny not realizing me and doc had plans of our own. Doc gets up out of bed getting dressed while i grab my belt making sure it's full of bullets before slipping the badge on my hip and putting my holster over my arm sliding my feather revolver in one pocket and my turquoise one just below it about rib level doc looks up smirking as i rest his  hat on my head. I giggle "oh hush ". " . '' sorry darling it's just it looks way better on you and i'm glad you took it cuz the hat rule applies " . i just start blushing and shaking my head " we will finish this conversation later we gotta get ahead of wyatt"

*time skip *

We get to the big oak tree. I tied up dusty and whiskey to a tree pretty far and decided to walk , doc following behind me just in case it turns for the worst . i walk with my head down not looking towards Johnny as i walk towards him from afar it looks like wyatt actually one good thing about being related to him we look the same like body structure wise. I seen johnny leaned against a tree taking a deep breath inhaling the smoke from the cigarette doc gave me as i do that johnny looks over smirking "well i didn't think ya had it in you " as i step out of the shadows lifting my head up exposing my face "i'm your huckleberry " johnny's face suddenly drops "fights not with you elizabeth " "oh i beg to differ johnny we had something we didn't get to finish remember i should've died with my momma, also going around threatening my lover and my brother " he stutters " i was just fooling about " well i wasn't oh and guess what " i move the edge of my jacket "its legal now "  we start routing in a circle me very focused on johnny's every move "say when ringo " with that i flipped my gun out of my holster shooting him in the temple " come on johnny " come on " he tries to stumble forward before falling against a tree " your no daisy" "your no daisy at all " i lean down towards his body putting the badge on his chest " you poor soul you were just to high strung " i hear footsteps behind me whipping around i see wyatt running and doc slowly walking towards me " im afraid the strain was more then he could bear" wyatt looked at me like i grew a second head " oh doc wasnt as sick as we made it out to be " wyatt finally speaks "good god sis " i giggled " my hypocrisy only goes so far " wyatt laughs as doc pulls me in his arms i look to wyatt " we gonna head to colorado now " yes sister of mine we are " giggling "come on doc time to make you better" doc replies "ah yes one more ride for wyatt and his immortals

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