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Izuku was on his way to school. It was the last week of Jr high and he had a great feeling about this week. A grin slowly formed on his lips as he got closer to school. He looked like a normal kid but I'm reality he's insane and crazy. He got to school and stood in front of the building.

"Oi Vampire, stop being weird."

"Katsuki... don't it just excite you that it's the last week of Jr high? That means new people and more blood supply~"

Izuku grinned the licked his lip as his eyes glance at Katsuki. Katsuki sighed then put his and on Izuku's shoulder.

"You need to work on that"

"Why should I? I think I'm doing well~ You're not dead yet are you~?"

Katsuki scoffed then started heading inside the building. Izuku laughed then followed him inside. They got to class and sat down in their seats. The teacher walked in soon after and started the lesson. Izuku didn't pay attention and only looked out the window daydreaming about what life would be like after Jr high. 

"Oi Midoriya! Pay attention, how many time do I have to ask you?"

"As many times as you want sir~ but it's clear to say I won't listen don't you agree?"

"Watch what you say to me boy"

"Oh what? You'll have my head?! Hahaha!"

The teacher sighed as Izuku stopped laughing and looked the teacher dead in his face. He then put the tip of his thumb to his lips and smirked.

"You wouldn't stand a chance against me anyways"

"Don't think you're all high and might because you're an vampire!"

A student yelled causing Izuku to avert his gaze at the student. Izuku just smiled then chuckled.

"I won't still be stronger than all you waste of space and blood!"

"That's enough! Just pay attention Midoriya!"

The teacher got back to the lesson and Izuku just snickered and looked back out the window. The lesson was close to over then Izuku got bored and started to tap his pencil on the table. The teacher got annoyed then his hand stretched out and hit Izuku on the head. Izuku slowly lifted his head and glared at the teacher.

"Stop being such an distraction!"

"Hit me again and I'll kill you...ya old dickhead"

"Excuse me?!"

Izuku kept his glare then the teacher walked up to Izuku and slammed his hand on the desk while glaring at him. Izuku looked the teacher dead in his head with a playful smirk across his face. Then teacher grabbed Izuku by the shirt and growled lowly. Izuku's eye's started to glow then the teacher flew into a wall.

"What was that?!" A student yelled 

"He had it coming to him, he posed a threat to me"

"You the one to said you'd kill him!" Another student yelled

"And? He actually assaulted me so it's fair wouldn't you say~?

Izuku's eye's glowed red as he glared at all the students. One student threw something at Izuku then laughed. Izuku chuckled then dashed in front of the students desk. Izuku looked at the student dead in his eyes and smirked.

"You smell quite good, want to be my new supply of blood hmm~?"

The student shook in fear as someone grabbed Izuku's shoulder. Izuku glanced behind him to see a girl with purple hair and and weird looking ears. Izuku grabbed her hand and turned around.

"And who might you be huh?"

"Don't worry about that, why are you threatening everyone?"

"What's it to you hm? I suggest you walk away unless you want to die"

"Go ahead and try to kill me you creepy freak!"

"Mm, you got a big mouth to be such a small girl"

The girl got back and tried to punch Izuku. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly as he glared at her. The girl cried in pain as everyone heard bones crack.

"Let her go you monster!"

"Shut the hell up..."

"Argh...you bastard, you'll pay for this.."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head, your hand is fine just a little something to scare you a bit, put some ice on it and it's be as good as new by tomorrow"

"What are you...? You're insane!"

"Oh why thank you, and what I am isn't important, how much of a use one of you will be to me is what's important"

"The hell are you on about?"

"Ah..father says I need a new blood supply and he won't get it for me, it's sad really so who would like to be my blood vessel~?"

Izuku grinned widely as everyone shook or froze in fear. Izuku frowned then turned his gaze to someone in the back of the room. His face lit up then he clapped his hands together.

"Found you~"

Everyone looked confused then turned to see who he was talking to. They all saw a girl with Black hair with her hand up.

"Yaomomo you can't be serious?!"

"I am Jirou-san... he'll only keep attacking until he gets what he wants, so I volunteer to be your blood vessel"

"Yaomomo was it~? Glad to have your cooperation, you won't regret it~"

Jirou was beyond shocked as she saw her friend basically give her life to the vampire. Jirou grabbed Izuku by his shirt and glared at him angeirly.

"You better not hurt her! Or I'll kill you!"

"Aw, who do you take me for? I won't hurt anyone without a valid reason"

"You attack me-" A student was about to say

"No I didn't, I simply asked you a question"

"Jirou-san, it's alright I'll make sure he doesn't hurt any of you"

"We don't need your protection ponytail!" Katsuki yells

"Bakugou-kun, my name is Momo Yaoyorozu"

"Whatever ponytail"

"And you, I'd prefer you not to just take my blood whenever you feel like it"

"Deal, but you don't control me"

"We'll see about that Midoriya"

"Oh come on just call me Izuku"

"No thank you, I'm not your friend"

"Mmph, you girls are mean"

"And you're insane, I guess we're all something aren't we?"

Izuku smiled then turned his head twords Jirou.

"You are a pain in the ass, please be quiet"

"I'll do whatever I want you mopheaded idiot!"

Izuku glared at Jirou and Jirou did the same. The class was relieved that they didn't have to be Izuku's blood vessels. Momo was already regretting her decision. Jirou kept ticking off Izuku but he couldn't do anything because she didn't do anything but annoy him.

"At least you have some type of respect"

"Of course I do darling~"

"I'm not your darling"

"Not yet~"

Izuku chuckled as Momo sighed I'm annoyance. Katsuki knew whatever this was wasn't going to end well at least for now.

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