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     "I didn't make them, Harry made friends with them and they joined, well, Hermione was already friends with Harry, Pansy and Blaise just welcomed themselves into our lives" Draco sighed out.

    Lucius nodded "I see" He faced Pansy and Blaise, along with Hermione who stood behind them to make sure they didn't any dumb shit.

    "Take care of those two, Harry has a thing for explosives and Draco is a plain old feral gremlin" Lucius said.

    All three nodded. They chatted and soon went back to class. Lucius felt better knowing that Draco and Harry had friends, who knows, maybe when the schooling year is over, maybe invite them to dinner.


       "So, how are they?" Narcissa asked as she sat across him at lunch.

     Lucius took a sip of his tea and sighed "They both seem to be doing well, they both had made new friends" Lucius said.

      "Oh? Who are they?" She asked with a curious smile painted on her face.

     "Their names are Pansy, Blaise and Hermione" Lucius said.

     "Oh, did you meet them?" Narcissa as well took a sip of her still warm tea.

    "Yes, in fact, they gave quite the first impression" Lucius said.

     "Are they that brilliant?" Narcissa asked.

     "No, they're much worse, Blaise, he decided to introduce himself by calling both Harry and Draco gay" Lucius said with a sigh.

     Narcissa giggled a bit "Everyone needs that one friend, I should know, I used to have one when I was younger" She said.

      "I see, Pansy seemed like the one to keep an eye out for Blaise, but she's just as bad as him, Hermione seems to be an intelligent young lady" Lucius said.

     Narcissa smiled "Now I wanna meet their friends" She said.

    "I've decided that once the schooling year is done, I'd invite them over for dinner sometime" He said.

     "I see, and here I thought you hated kids" She said.

     "If I hated kids, Draco wouldn't exist" Lucius said.

     "Plus, me saying I hate kids means I hate other peoples kids, not my own" Lucius added on.

     "I see, then what do you think about Harry?" She asked.

     "Kid needs mental help, do you realize how many explosions he made, along with beating the crap outta his uncle for laying a hand on his cousin. Do you remember when he sent me to the hospital when Draco and I decided we wanted to roughhouse a bit? Harry thought I was a danger and hence, beat me more than he did his uncle. So my thoughts on Harry? He's more of a gremlin than Draco, but add on trauma and gayness" Lucius said without a single breath of air.

     His words sent Narcissa laughing "You're funny, but all that's true. Poor child, if only his aunt and uncle were nicer" She muttered.

     "But I'm glad" Lucius said.

    "Glad? What about?" She asked.

    "I'm glad they were horrible to Harry" Lucius said.

    "Why?" She asked.

     "If they were kind to him, neither of us would've have met Harry" He said.

    "So I'm glad they hated him, he found a home here, Draco has become for open and kinder thanks to that Muggle, and I guess I learned many more things with him around" Lucius added.

     Narcissa smiled "You know, you're cute when you try to be kind and sweet" She said.

     "I'm neither of those, I simply speak my true thoughts and facts" Lucius said.

     "Still, it's sweet" She said.

     "So, what do you think about Harry since he first arrived?" Lucius asked.

     Narcissa then had a look, he couldn't tell what it is.

     "What do I think?" She then set her elbows on the table and crossed her fingers.

      "When I first laid eyes on him, I could instantly tell he barely knew the meaning of love and affection. Maybe other than the one his cousin was barely able to give him due to his own parents, he's traumatized. And I can tell that trauma started at an early age. Any sort of thing that tries to give harry any type of kindness is anxious or nervous as it's new to him even with his cousin there for him. Harry is only used to being handled aggressively and roughly which isn't good for a child. Including at his age" She said.

    She sighed once more before continuing "The more I got to know him, the more I figured him out, you know how you say I can read people, even if they are a tightly shut book? I figured him out the more time I spent with him. He's a child who wants no... Who needs to call out for help. Sure, he seems to be doing better here, but he's only getting better Physically and probably emotionally. What about mentally? That's important much more then people, may they be muggles or witches and wizards no matter of what status, tends to think isn't all that important" She said.

     Narcissa had a look in her eyes that sent shivers up Lucius spine "What I think about Harry? He's a mentally damaged kid, probably beyond repair. He may seem and look happy, but what would happen if all that had gone instantly? I can tell he tends to grow attached, he made friends, what would happen if one of them decides they don't wanna be friends anymore? How would that impact Harry's already damaged mental state?" She asked.

     Lucius went in thought "Now that you put it that way..." Lucius sighed.

     "He does need help" Lucius rubbed his face.

      "Don't forget Draco as well" She said.

     "Draco?" Lucius was curious on what she had to say about her son.

    "Before meeting Harry, he had isolation problems, he was a petty brat who thought everyone needed to obey him. He was very isolated, wouldn't even let his own parents get too close" She said.

      Lucius sighed, Narcissa was indeed right "So, getting a mentally unstable kid, and mixing it with Draco? They both help eachother out a bit" She said, then sipping her tea with her normal expression.

      "How?" Lucius asked, he already knew how, he wanted to hear her version.

     "Draco with his isolation problems, Harry with his lack of affection. They both found some form of physical comfort somehow. So in a way, they both are mental. And sometimes, putting mental with mental helps keep them in check" She said.

     "I see" Lucius said.

     He smiled "You're very knowledgeable my dear" He said.

    "Unlike you, I studied" She said, obviously referring to when they were younger and in their Hogwarts days.

     "I see, using my past against me?" He asked.

      She smiled "I miss those days" She said.

       Lucius chuckled. He sorta missed those days as well.

[To Be Continued...]

His Muggle, His Wizard, their world.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن