Chapter 17❤️‍🩹

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Nurse: they have both fallen into a deep coma, and they now have turned into sex addicts, this is sometimes rare in some patients but theirs is different

Felix: how could it be different, if your a sex addict your just addicted to having sex, right?

I was confused about what she meant about different types of sex addicts

Nurse:when they get needy they will want to have sex but this is very dangerous since they most likely want to have it more than once a day, but we do have something to keep it under control, we have a bracket you can put on them and it is connected to your phone so you could know all the time or a pill you put in their food and they wont be as needy for about 4 days

This was to much to take in, I was just worried about them both, but since khanh was y /n's friend we should at least let her stay in her room so we can keep an eye on them

I look back into their room, seeing them under all those wires just gives me the shivers,I open the door and walk into their room

I sit on the chair in between both of them, I hold both of their hands

Felix: I really hope you guys wake up soon, maybe when you wake up we can go to a fair or just have a peaceful walk in the park

I start to tear up, what is they don't wake up, what if they are just corpses on a bed

I quickly stand up at the feeling and walk out the room, I wipe my tears and walk into chan and Hyunjin hyung's room

Hyunjin was asleep while chan was awake watching Netflix on the tv

Felix: ummm hello is this the right room to find chan and Hyunjin

Chan: no, you just need to take a left at the elevator and then a right then go back the way you came

We both let a a silent chuckle, not wanting to wake up the sleeping prince, I sit next to chan and we just start chatting away about random stuff

*3 hours later*

Felix: well mate, if you look at the time it is 11 pm, I need to get to bed now, I will check on you guys in the morning, bye ✌️

Chan: bye, make sure to bring my phone because I don't want to keep watching the bee movie and 365 days over and over again

I laugh and leave to go back to the dorms, the dorm was quiet and lifeless, without everyone were it felt like a waste land

Minho, changbin, seugmin, Han and I just decided to sleep in one dorm since it would be weird for only 2 of us to sleep in one and 3 to sleep in the other

I shared a room with changbin and Han while Minho and Seungmin sleep in the other room

* 4 weeks later*

I have been visiting the others just checking on how they are doing,chan and Hyunjin were discharged from the hospital and had to have 3 weeks of bed rest

Y/n and khanh were still there, we still had hope that they would wake up until I got the call we have all been waiting for

Hospital: hello lee Felix, we are calling you so you know that y/n L/n and khanh cooper have finally waken up and can be discharged tomorrow

Felix: thank you for letting me Know about the news, we will get them tomorrow

I hung up the phone and went to tell the others the good news, I rush upstairs and open Chan's door to find them all snuggled up into blankets watching a movies

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