Khanh's life story

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He hovered over then...... what this is khanh's chapter so I will let her take over

Khanh: finally she is gone, anyways,as you know me my name is khanh cooper, I was born and raised in Vietnam until the age of 3 then me and my family travelled to the Uk

My parents were rich and successful business people and would always be hard working with their work

But they would never have enough time for me, I was brung up by maids, and everything just went down hill from there

Every time my parents had time off work they would spend it with me but not even 15 minutes after we hang out, they get a call and head back to work

Since they were rich, they showered me with everything that I wanted, toys, shoes, clothes you name it

But that was just to distract me so I would not know they are not with me

One day in year 2 I made some ' freinds', I was a very naive kid at the time, we were just hanging out at the park until one of them asked if they could come over to my place

Of course I said yes, so my driver came to pick me and my 'freinds' up, once we reached my house, they were in awe from how massive it was

Hold up let me get my phone so I can show you a picture........ found it :

Pretend that it is all brown instead, anyways back to the story

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Pretend that it is all brown instead, anyways back to the story

We reached there and we headed to my room, we were chatting for a bit then I went to the toilet,5 minutes later I walk back into my room

I noticed my ' freinds' bag being bigger than normal but I ignored it, they eventually left and when I went to shower, I came out and half of my clothes, necklaces , brackets and shoes have been stolen

This kept happening until one day in year 3, I was flinging a rubber at a child because he was bugging me the fuck off

Author: hey I said not swearing, I would like they money back

Khanh: I should have doesn't that money when I could , here you go

Author: thank you now back to the story

Khanh: I was flinging a rubber then the teacher told us a new kid was coming to class, I thought she would be one of those gold diggers but no

She was different, she was that one shy kid that stayed to herself, she didn't come up to me asking if I was rich but was just shy

She sat next to me, I started a conversation with her and we got to know each other better, I found out her name was y/n and that her family was struggling with paying for their house bills

I offered to help but she rejected the offer, i beamed at her, she was not like the others

We then swore to stay by each others side from that day onwards my life was going up hill, we reached secondary school or high school for those in America, me and y/n were know was the 'powerful friends' since I was rich I didn't spend a lot and y/n was that one kid who was like my manager

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