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North let out a weary sigh, her sleep the previous night having been anything but restful, and now the consequences were beginning to take their toll on her.

Noticing her closest friend's exhaustion, Moon reached out and gently brushed her wing against North's. "Hey," she whispered, prompting North to turn and face the NightWing, who offered a comforting smile. "Are you tired?" North nodded, stifling a yawn, as they entered the history cave where Web was patiently waiting for them. He acknowledged their presence with a nod before they settled down beside each other.

The rest of their winglet had already gathered, and North could sense Winter's disapproving glare directed at her, along with the curious gazes from Qibli and Turtle. However, she paid them no mind, choosing instead to focus on Web's words.

"We shall commence our journey from the very beginning, specifically focusing on the scorching," announced Web, his head held high and a slight tremor evident in his frame, hinting at an underlying unease. North squinted her eyes, sensing something amiss, yet not particularly concerned.

"I beg your pardon, but I have a question," interrupted Winter's sister, Icicle. Web jolted at the interruption, redirecting his gaze towards her, and North followed suit, curious about what the princess would inquire about this time.

"So soon?" Web pondered aloud, causing Icicle to bristle slightly. "Have there been any instances of firescales, akin to that SkyWing earlier this week, mentioned in historical records? And if so, have any effective methods for eliminating them been discovered? I mean, not even frostbreath had any effect on her," Icicle articulated, her words causing North's spikes to bristle and quiver with unease.

Web appeared flustered by the question as well, his throat clearing before he responded, "Well, um, no. But delving into such a gruesome topic on our very first day might not be entirely appropriate, don't you think?" He attempted to project an air of calmness, yet North could discern the turmoil brewing within him, his thoughts frantically searching for the rehearsed script he had meticulously prepared since morning.

A surge of compassion for the elderly SeaWing surged through North, and she tapped her claws gently on the solid stone floor, acknowledging the strain he was experiencing.

Webs glanced at North and offered a grateful nod, while Icicle simply raised her chin defiantly. Suddenly, Winter's voice broke the silence, causing North and Moon to turn their attention towards him. "I was wondering when we would discuss NightWings," declared the haughty IceWing prince, igniting a fiery rage within North. So do I, young North. So do I, added Darkstalker, amplifying her anger tenfold.

However, she managed to maintain her composure, reminding herself that she was in class, after all.

"That's not fair," Kinkajou protested passionately, coming to their defense, and Webs flared his wings in response. "I-I'm not very knowledgeable about NightWings myself," he admitted, taking a deep breath before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Winter, but why don't you direct your inquiries to Northstar and Moonwatcher? I can't provide any more insight on NightWings than you already possess." North felt a burning desire to tear his ears off for that response, and she shifted uncomfortably as both Icicle and Winter turned their gaze towards her and Moon. Every other dragonet in the winglet followed suit, fixating their attention on them.

North yearned to roar at them to look elsewhere and think for themselves, finding their collective thoughts increasingly exasperating.

Despite her internal turmoil, North compelled herself to regain her composure, taking a deep breath as she met their gazes with a steady and unwavering one of her own. Moon, on the other hand, kept her gaze fixed on her trembling talons, visibly affected by the tension in the air. "We have no obligation to answer any questions you guys pose," North growled, her fiery IceWing temperament flaring. Winter's eyes sparkled with amusement, while Qibli simply flashed her a grin before chiming in, "Of course not. But if you ever feel inclined to share, feel free to do so."

North narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him. Why was he trying to be so nice to her? She couldn't help but catch a fleeting glimpse of his thoughts: I hope she doesn't think I'm being too fluffy, but I genuinely want her to like me. Frowning slightly, she turned her attention to wrapping a protective wing around Moon's back and addressed Webs. "Please continue with your lesson," she stated firmly. The green SeaWing nodded in acknowledgment, and the class resumed its course.


"Come on, let's grab something to eat," North clicked to Moon, who responded with a soft hum. The two friends made their way to the prey center, with Kinkajou accompanying them and enthusiastically babbling about Winter's handsome appearance and how enjoyable the class had been, despite her lingering irritation towards Icicle and Webs for their sharp remarks.

Meanwhile, Carnelian, their SkyWing companion, had remained silent since the class ended, striding past them with her head held high and her graceful neck slightly arched. She's probably headed to Father's library, North speculated silently before leading Moon and Kinkajou into the prey center.

The atmosphere inside the prey center was considerably calmer compared to a few days ago, as it was now the middle of the day, and fewer dragons were taking their free periods.

North made her way to the section where the fish was stored, selecting one for herself and another for Moon. Kinkajou, true to her nature, chose an assortment of colorful fruits from the pile, and they all settled down together to eat their respective meals. However, Kinkajou couldn't resist blurting out a sudden question that caught North off guard, nearly causing her to choke on her fish. Clearing her throat, North shot Kinkajou a stern look and replied, "Winter or Qibli and I are never going to be a match."

Kinkajou chuckled and shrugged, seemingly undeterred. "Sure, whatever you say, North. But I believe they both like you. It's quite clear how they look at you."

Moon hummed softly, and North shot her a bewildered glance. "You too, Moon?" she hissed, feeling a sudden pang of pain shooting through her temples. Gritting her teeth, she heard Darkstalker's snarl echoing in her mind, Yeah, those pesky dragons can just try to claim you. I would tear their hearts out when I get out and teach them that they don't take what's mine. No one steals from Darkstalker.

North blinked, the pain subsiding, and Moon exchanged a concerned look with her, silently questioning what had just happened. North shook her head, unsure of the meaning behind Darkstalker's words, but she shrugged it off, continuing her conversation with Moon and Kinkajou while keeping the unsettling incident about Darkstalker to herself for the time being.

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