Chapter 1: Travels

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It was a rather chilly day as we were took to the train station. Our Mothers holding us all dear saying our goodbyes for now anyway. "Evelyn you have to listen to Peter okay?" My Mother says in my ear as I nod in acknowledgment of what she was saying.

The Pevensie children one by one speak with their Mother. I watch Helen speak to Edmund as he somewhat pulled away. This wasn't uncommon for him, not even in the slightest.
He does this when he isn't sure how to feel.

As we all head to the train we say goodbye to our Mothers. As we walk I feel something grab my hand. Looking down I see Ed's hand intertwined in mine. He was sad and upset but he wasn't a monster.

After we got on the train we waved goodbye, we found seats with two other children. We didn't speak with them. I sat next to Ed with Lucy and Susan to the other side of me. Peter sat across with the two other children.

Ed leaned his head back in thought as I leaned mine on his shoulder. It was tiring, all of it.

"Hope everything will be okay." I whisper to myself as Ed turns to look at me. He doesn't say anything just lays his head on mine. Not in a weird way, but a friend way.

As the train hauled off we looked at our tags to see this was our stop. We gathered our things and walked off the train. We ran out to car in hopes of it being for us, but it kept driving.

Shortly after the car we heard someone coming. A horse and wagon appeared with a woman driving. As the woman stops we couldn't help, but just stare a second.

Finally after a few second Susan spoke "Mrs Macready?" "I'm afraid so." The woman says blankly.

Hopping on the wagon we all exchanged silent glances, the ride to the Professors' home was rather quiet. I don't think any of us knew what to say or do.

Once we arrived Mrs. Macready start saying house rules which I truly wasn't listening too. "Do not touch the historical artifacts!" Is when I looked up to see Susan being scolded. The two boys were behind me snickering away.

As night fell we had all been gathered in the girls room so we could be together for the time being.

We listened to the radio that was abruptly shut off, when it started talking about the war in great depth.

Sniffles could be heard from the now only ten year old girl. "The sheets are scratchy." Lucy says quietly, but with hints of sniffs still heard. "Wars don't last forever Lu." The second oldest Pevensie said with a small smile. "This place is huge, we can do whatever we want here!" Peter exclaims trying to cheer his sister up.

Ed then came into the room making some comment, that I'm going to completely I missed because I was just thinking on the words Peter had said. "Isn't time you were in bed!" Susan snapped at the boy. "Yes Mum!" Ed shot back, earning a glance from me. "Ed!" Peter said to his younger brother.

"Look, this situation is tough, but we can't keep going back and forth like this." I say quietly getting their attention. "Evelyn has a point." Susan says in response. "Look, Ev I don't thi- and you are coming with me" I say standing up cutting Ed off and dragging him out of the room to his own.

"Ed, what's going on with you?" I say sitting down on his bed. "What are you talking about?" He scoffs. "Look I know you're having a hard time, but it's me your best friend right here. You can talk to me." I say standing up putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." he says pulling me into a hug. "This isn't fair to you, just thank you for being here..." "I want to be here, and I care about you so please tell me what's going through your head." I say pulling him from our hug. "Ev, I just feel annoyed about the way things are going. I just want it all to stop I guess." Edmund says giving me a sad look as I can see him fighting tears.

"I know, and I'm sure it bothers you that Peter is acting like he's your father right?" I say trying not to break at the site of my best friend hurting. "Yeah, I just want to be treated as an equal I guess..." Ed trails off looking at the floor.

This time I initiate the hug by pulling him in. We are extremely close and always have been. "Thank you, Evelyn for everything. You're the most caring person in the world." He whispers.

After that conversation I was ready to get ready for bed. As I left the boys room, I past Peter heading to his room. We exchanged nods as we headed our own ways.

The next day, it was about the farthest from pretty. It was hardcore storming, so we were stuck inside, not just stuck inside, but with the tension from each other as well.

"Gas-tro-vascular" Susan says to Peter, she had was trying play a made up game that she thought might be fun. Peter sat there very clearly bored. "Come on Peter gastrovascular!" Susan says with a more impatient tone. "Is it Latin?" Peter finally says. "Is it Latin for worst game ever invented!" Ed chimes in which I must admit was pretty funny.

This action earned a glare and a book slammed from Susan. Lucy then got the bright idea to play hide and seek. Which I wasn't thrilled about to say the least. I'd been trying to read this whole time while Edmund was definitely carving something on the underside of a chair.

"Peter please!" Lucy begs her brother as we all sit there giving him a look of not wanting. "" Peter starts to count. As we all get up and scatter. I hid behind a china closet, Ed hid behind a curtain that he threw Lucy out of.

"Ed!" I said shaking my head at the grouchy boy's behavior.

"What, I was here first!" He shoot's back trying to make his case look better.

Within a minute or so of hiding we all hear yelling. "It's alright I'm back!, I'm alright." The youngest Pevensie comes running down the hallway. "I'm not sure you get the idea of the this game." Peter says stopping the girl as Edmund and I step out of our hiding spots. "This means I win right!" Susan comes running into the room as we all send her an interesting look.

"The only thing back here is wood." Susan says stepping out of the wardrobe that Lucy swears she went to a place called Narnia through. "One game at a time Lu, not everyone has as big of a imagination as you." Peter says trying to just get her to understand she was imagining things.

"But I was there!" Lucy retorts to her brother. "Well, I believe her!" Ed chimes in once again. 'Oh good lord' "Didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard." Ed says with a smirk as Lucy starts to break down. Peter starts yelling which I tune out because I hate fighting. "You think your dad, but you're not!" Was the last thing I heard before being stuck in my own thoughts and wondering why I had such a weird feeling.

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